"He's leaving on a jet plane, can't wait for him to get back again" ... Gone with the wind! My dh left this morning after a nice long visit. This time I actually cried a bit before he left. So now I'm back to my "window friends", as Anne Shirley would call her reflection in the window that she'd talk to :). In a way, blog friends are "window friends" ... but hardly just in my imagination (I hope so at least). I'm a little weary of the friend making process. So far, since the move, I've actually made friends with a newlywed couple two doors down. I'm probably old enough to be their mom, but because we both have young kids at home, I feel more like a friend than their mother. Dh has many friends in town, so I've inherited them and their wives as friends ... so far a good thing. But for now, I'm going to be taking the "making new friends" role very slowly, as I've got so much on my plate, God would be stretching me a bit too thin with any major assignments :)
My daughters and I also attract the "odd" friends. They all seem so needy and a lot of the time draining to us. There must be something in your life that they see as a source of strength and wisdom, I can even sense it from the way you write. I guess we should count ourselves privileged to be used by God to touch others. But please Lord, send some that minister to us too, we also get weary!!
bg, I think it's in my nature to fix problems and I'm an optimist so tomorrow is always brighter somehow. But this type of personality attracts depressed souls.
Boy, you hit it right on the head. The depressed soul are looks for someone to help them up, so to speak. I appreciate your insight. I am also drawn to them and want to "help" them if it's only to make them feel important and know that someone cares.
If I were there I'd be your friend.
I love the idea of the computer being window freinds!
Mrs. D. I would gladly take you, your mother, and birmingham girl to be my friends ... in a heartbeat.
Interesting thoughts..window friends and best of all to know we are all real and a 'click' away. Odd people...yes, I've known some. (but I'm sure I am odd to some folks...I try not to be..grin.) They need a bit of compassion and somehow seem left out of the normal rush of things....I think. but you know what I like about people that are painfully just themselves? You can always be just yourself with them too. Hope that makes sense.
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