The berries yesterday were easy to pick ... I ventured out about 4:30 PM to my secret locale armed with a clean bucket, camera, gloves, and a long sleeved shirt. Best I can tell, we have thimble berries, wine (black capped) raspberries, and some type of very tall huckleberry bush. The smaller huckleberry bushes are loaded, but are not quite ripe ... a different variety. All I know is that they all taste good. I spread them out on a cookie sheet to freeze in a single layer ... later they will go in a zip lock bag or fr

About 9:00 PM, the kids and I, along with our northwood friends, traipsed on a little jaunt through some 100 acres of wooded forest, meadowland, natural springs and even crossed a creek. The whole time I'm a nervous ninny thinking every strange sound is a wild animal ... or snake! But no wild beasts were spied tonight. The moon was nearly full and cast a haunting glow in the clearings. The meadows were full of knee high white daiseys and singing insects. Our clamorous noise dashed all hope of seeing any deer. Little Nathan kept up like a trouper. Thank goodness for his laser light shoes that blink with every step! He was so wound up at bedtime, I had to help him along into slumberland with a little dose of Benedryl (ssshhh) ... OK, I know without the little sleepy medicine, he'd have been up til dawn ... (FYI ... only used on rare occassions .. especially when MOM is tired :-) This will be a night of sweet dreams.
Update: 7/9/06 Tonight for dinner I made a wonderful wild berry bbq sauce to go on some grilled pork chops ... who cares that we have purple stained mouths :) It was worth it!
Photos of berries and fairy haunt by "Me" 7/8/06

Hi, just thought I'd check out your blog and I'm so glad I did! I'm enjoying it so far...and those raspberries look so yummy!!! Good luck with the home building. It will be so much fun when it all takes shape and you can start decorating!
How much fun it is to explore and enjoy all of the surprizes that God has put in His Wonderful World around us. I enjoy your blogs so much. Now I'm off to check out Maggie Ann's blog she has me courious. :-)
Oh what a wonderful post and pictures, I love the last pic of the moon. Makes me feel as if I'm right there in the night too. Isn't it something how when darkness falls, we are 'on guard' for scary things. Those berries look yummy. How wonderful to own land that is private and gorgeously one's own.
mmm yum! I wish we could pick fresh raspberries here but we have to make do with buying them frozen from the supermarket - *sigh* it's just not the same...
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