We finally made it out to a new church with some neighbors this morning. It reminded me of the congregation we were attending before moving. Similar style, non-denomination, but quite a bit larger. They even have a special needs Sunday school program at the 9:30 service. I'll take Nathan to that next weekend along with my girls and dh. We're finally making a few connections and starting to put down some roots in our new town. It's beginning to feel like home again. To be honest, I haven't missed one thing (Except Trader Joe's market) since we moved (and Dh brings me treats from TJ's each time he comes up). Elizabeth watched Nathan today and I was able to take a long nap ... then drove out to the property to pick some more berries. We dined on BLT's for dinner ... Well, it was a nice relaxing day ... and must count our blessings, especially considering the termoil going on in the world. With that my thoughts turn towards my son in the Army hoping and praying that he stays safe and in the Lord's hands along with all those that are serving. Please Lord, give wisdom to the leaders of our nation.
Your post really touched me this morning. It's so real. I hope this church will become your new church home, I know just how important that is, I feel like I don't really have that home now. I think it's mostly because my husband no longer attends. To many hurts he can't get past. I'm thankful that my children we're raised "in the church" and established a strong foundation.
I also relate to Trader Joe's! While visiting in socal last year, we ate a lot of TJ's, then I found out there are several in MI, one right in Ann Arbor! Hallelujah!
BLT's, berries and a nap, sounds like a great Sunday. My prayers go up for your son and all our fine young people in the Military. It is a religious war, and the battle is the Lords, but we MUST be vigilant in prayer. God Bless, and have a sweet day, one where you bask in the presence of the Lord.
Thats good that you are liking the new church. We went to a non-demoninational fundamental church for many years and now go to a similar one. thank you Mrs. Mac for your kind comments over at my knitting kat. What am I without the grace of God at work constantly in my heart? All praise to Him! Your relaxing day sounds just so perfect...=). May there be many more of them coming along soon. Yes, the world is getting more and more dangerous.. I am concerned for our military...may God bless your son with safty constantly. How our leaders need our prayers...~~~our digital camera has lost its qualitys of sharpness and lighting. I'm thinking we need a new one. I used to get such great results with it, but not anymore.~~I've never heard of Trader Joe's but it must be mighty special!
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