Isn't is amazing how bored the human race can get at times? We are always longing for a change, whether it's in our wardrobe, food, weather, car, etc; you name it, we like change! God in his infinite wisdom even gave us the four seasons to help break up the monotony of sameness. Towards the end of winter, we long for spring, then we have summer's heat and we long for crisp fall days with colorful crunchy leaves to rake up, those nice walks in the park wearing a sweater, and the smell of slow cooked stews and pies wafting through the home making us feel cozy and loved. Winter brings a time for rest; very little yardwork, if any, relaxing by the fireplace with an afgan ... sipping hot cider ... enjoying a novel. The busyness of the holidays to make family memories to carry us into old age! Seasons of the earth, and seasons of life ... God's perfect plan is awesome! Thank goodness His love for us never changes. My very favorite season is autumn!! Care to share about yours?

One of the reasons I love living in Michigan is the changing of the seasons. In Ca. it seems like it was one continuous summer. Each season has its beauty, but I love autumn the very best. Not to cold, but cool enough for a fire in the fireplace or a campfire at the cottage. No heavy boots or coats, just sweaters and maybe a scarf. But most of all I love the oranges and red colors the leaves turn! Boy, can God paint with a beautiful brush or what?! I would just request that God shorten the winter season. I've pretty much had enough around January 1st!
yes tis so true, but we must be careful that we are not constantly longing for a different season that we never enjoy the ones we are in!
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