There is still a hush in my home this morning. I've already bathed, read the newspaper, realized I missed a great historical re-enactment at a mission in Cataldo yesterday, and am still savoring my last few sips of coffee before my youngest, Nathan, makes his way out of bed. My "real" life, of course, is being his mommy ... even though I feel much too old at times to keep up with him. But my other life, the one that recharges my batteries, is somewhere over the rainbow in little pockets of time. I guess this means daydreams to some ... but some days it's what gets me through the trenches of motherhood. Of course, I have my life that encompasses eternity with our Heavenly Father, but for the nitty-gritty part of life, dreams get me through the day. In my mind's eye, I am envisioning an hour glass with just about five or ten minutes left before reality wakes me. Best be getting along here folks ... wouldn't want to have to borrow against my next dose of dreaming.
awww...that's precious
Hello from Australia I enjoyed very much reading your blog and I understand the time shared with your own silent moments are treasured moments for sure. You are very blessed with a lovely family.
best wishes
Thanks for visiting my blog. I have pictures I'd like to post, but can't get blogger to do it. I probably need a lesson.
I think your new property looks beautiful. Moving to a new area, climate, and culture always requires adaptation. But I think I could adapt quickly to your place!
I've lived in Minnesota for 24 years. Every once in awhile I get homesick for California. All it takes to cure it is a visit out there. The California I miss doesn't exist anymore.
Hope everything goes well with your construction project.
ooh a re-enactment - how thrilling! That's something I've never done...
Well said, and something I think we would all do well to have more of...those luxury moments of sheer contentment...am I getting it right?
Maggie Ann, I guess luxory moments would be a good way to describe my day dreams. You have your crafts to help you unwind. For me, a nice long bubble bath, a walk around the block at dawn with the dog while the world is still quiet. Just little moments when I don't have a care to weigh me down. Our world went topsy-turvy ten years ago when Nathan was born. Having a mentally retarded child requires lots of time garnering strength. But the blessings outweigh the burdens.
Well at last I'm here. I've tried for two days and finally made it. If a person can't dream, you lose hope and, when you lose hope there is nothing to live for. I'm glad our hope is in Christ Jesus and we can only dream about what heaven will be like.
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