Last night dh's flight got in a bit later than expected (11:00 PM). But I piled the kids in the car anyway and headed off to the airport to greet him. His suitcase was just under the 50 lb limit due to all the goodies he brought from Trader Joe's :) Today we can start playing house again, go on long walks, clean out the garage, pick wild berries ... and he can be in charge of the youngins part of the time to give this 'ol gal a break! I can also drag him around town and show him the neat stuff he's buying for the new house (wink), meet with the builder and let him have the last say about the placement of the home on the lot (would never live with myself If I messed that one up). Then we can choose a night to go out on a date. Sounds like the makings of a great day!
Sounds like what your heart has been waiting for! Did you buy another home while waiting for this one to be built? Gotta get the new one in the right spot, no do overs on that choice! Enjoy your precious time together!
I can hear the joy in your tone at having your man back home! :)
bg ... we're renting a home that was built by the builder of our new home. A little "test drive" to see the quality of his work. So far, so good.
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