Today found me running errands: Post office, phone store, library, park, Wendy's for lunch, siding showroom, carpet showroom, gas station, and Wallyworld (Walmart) for a gas powered weed wacker and groceries; I just love shopping for such extreme items there. Besides all this, there was laundry to do, pick up the house, and try to get a problem with the county building permit hammered out with the general contractor and the engineering firm. Yes, the same firm that drug their feet getting my house plans stamped with their ever so needed approval! For dinner tonight we had a sampler platter that consisted of California roll sushi, Italian bruschetta, finger sized deli sammies (sandwiches)... don't ask ... but it was delicious! I spoke with dh and our oldest son, Patrick on the phone ... a highlight of the day. It's late and I'm a wee bit tired. I hope to have something more creative to write about tomorrow. Sweet dreams!
Can you get any busier? Actually dinner sounded good, I like variety! Sometimes on Friday nights, dinner here consists of the weeks left overs, I call it the international buffet! Anything from spaghetti to BBQ chicken! Take a moment in the wee quite hours before your house wakes up to take a deep breath...sounds like your family relies heavily on your strength!
I like your quote about roses versus diamonds! You day sounded very productive...just what mine needs to turn into...smile. Your previous post inspired my zoo post...guesss you knew that =).
I came right over to see your Flickr photo album and really enjoyed it!!! Your home is beautiful!
The "Flicker Photos" of my house are from my previous home that we sold in February. I just wanted to "see" my furniture once again as most of its in storage :) That was a "fussy" house! White carpet, marble floors ... never again ... give me a home to enjoy and put my feet on the coffee table ... and be able to wear shoes inside!
I can't believe it's been so long since I've visited. Your posts are sooo interesting. I like the quote about the roses. I love roses, too and once read a quote. "Baby said, when it smelled a rose, 'what a pity, I've only one nose'"
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