Have you ever overheard the "neighbors" fighting and

almost felt embarassed to have heard their shouting match? My grandparents had such neighbors that

would fight several nights a week. First they'd drink a bit too much, then the degrading awful words would be tossed back and forth. Grandma was pretty much bedridden and her bedroom window was just across from the neighbor's den. She'd make this little
tich sound with her teeth and say, "Oh, for heaven's sake" ... then you'd hear her window slam shut to diffuse the shouting. This morning, my daughters, I'm embarassed to say, had a big shouting match; such a one I've never heard. They've never gotten along too well, one being a "potstirrer", and the other "borrowing" her sister's things without asking; besides there's almost a five year's age difference. Back to the shouting ... What exactly were they fighting about? Hangers and closet space! Seems a walk in closet big enough for three or four people is not enough for them. The oldest is twenty-one ... her sister is sixteen and they temporarilly are sharing the master bedroom of our rental house
(a regular Felix and Oscar Odd Couple too). I immediately had flashbacks to "granny's" rude neighbors and was wondering what my neighbors must be thinking as they were leaving for work this morning. Did I mention I'm only having three official bedrooms in the new house? Let's see, that's one for DH and me, one for little Nathan, and one for Ann. I'm hoping that the oldest girl will be engaged by the end of the year with a wedding sometime next year. In the new home, she will be an invited guest just until she's married
(within the year or she's got to get an apartment) so she can help save for her wedding. The girls will be on different levels of the home ... hopefully to put some distance between them for a while. And just think ... I was a only daughter and always wanted a sister. Here these two have each other and they can't get along.
Ahhh ... did I mention only three bedrooms???? (Deep down they really love each other, perhaps they are pms=ing ... let's hope so).