As a ex-homeschooling mom (ex as in just finished up year #13), and last year being the first year to home school my 10 year old special needs boy ... I'm ready for a break and am actually looking forward to the start of school in two weeks (secret joy :) ; my batteries are needing recharged! This has been a long, hot summer that needs some relief. We moved to our current school district in April and he attended the last five weeks of school; doing actually quite well in his life skills class. With all that is on my smorgasbord platter called life, the thought of a smaller plate is appealing right about now. I just can't be all things to all people without having a break(down). So when the bus pulls up to my door on September 5th, I will gain a few hours a day (I only send him 1/2 day) for some down time ... i.e. : quiet time to read my Bible, cleaning the house, mowing the lawn, grocery shopping, clothes shopping, taking a walk with the dog, checking on the progress of the new home ... things that are difficult to do when he's home all day long. I can also forget for a few hours whether all the windows and doors are double bolted :) Caring for my special needs child is the biggest blessing, but a little "vacation" each morning will be a sweet reward.
God bless you! I didn't even have a special needs child and I was happy happy when they went off to pre school for half days...:) You definitely need a break!
Could relate to your last 2 posts...I truly dreaded the day each of my kids got behind the wheel for the first times...I did put them all off til they were 17..and they officially learned at school in Drivers Ed but still I had to bite my tongue and hang on those first years... and the food issue! Doens't anyone have fresh veggies any more? I miss em...and my kids are waaaay too picky too...I think its all that pizza and fast foods...casserole just can't compare I guess...sigh...:)
Breaks are always nice.
I think it will be good for both of you, and you DO need the break. The socializing and change of scenery will do him good too. :)
I'm glad for you that a break is coming. I remember those big yellow buses pulling away from the house. First the worry, will they be alright, then time for them to come home and some days wishing for just a little longer time to do whatever. Enjoy those tranquil moments up ahead! Im sure they'll pass by swiftly...=)
Yeh I'm afarid a part of me will miss the yellow bus. I'm homeschooling both kids full time for the first time this year. I'm kinda scared. Pray for me.
Enjoy your few hours. you deserve it!
Although I'm sure you'll miss him and the house will seem quiet, I'm sure you will enjoy the quiet for a few hours, and you deserve it. Don't ever feel guilty about it. God bless you both.
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