I sleep well at night knowing that I've been home for the past 24 years for my family. I've seen each of my children take their first steps, ride their first two wheeler, cut their first tooth, heard them each say "Daddy" and "Mommy" for the very first time. I've cooked over 8,000 dinners and eaten with my family each night. Washed 18,720 loads of laundry and hung half of those out to dry. (Fresh smelling laundry can't be manufactured in the dryer.) Besides these motherly duties, I've homeschooled a total of thirteen years, taught sewing, cooking, and homemaking skills in my "Keepers at Home" girl's club ... helped with "The Lord's Little Stitchers" ... a group of young ladies that made flannel quilts for demised (or those not expected to survive) babies at our local hospital; was even the recipient of one of their beautiful keepsake blankets when Nathan was given a 2% chance to survive at birth. I've tube fed and changed ileostomy bags on my youngest son, inserted feeding tubes up/down his nose and through the abdomen. Tried hard as I might to get a child to eat by mouth that doctors had almost given up on learning that skill (eating is now his hobby). Been through 15 surgeries with the little guy and prayed fervently for God to spare my mentally retarded child's life to bring Him honor; to witness to others the importance of handicapped people. Began a special needs Sunday school program so other families could attend church and not be unchurched. I've spent numerous nights awake wondering if my law enforcement hubby would arrive home safely in the morning ... been through the aftermaths of three work related shootouts with dh ... and numerous sightings of him on the latenight "breaking news" broadcasts. Been through many a lonely night when, due to a terrible earthquake, had to be separated from dh so he could serve the community ... same scenario with some gang warfares. Now I get to pray for my oldest son that is proudly serving the past six years in the military as a tank crewman. With all the worry that could be heaped on my shoulders, I sleep well at night knowing that God is on the throne. No matter what happens, my dh and children have come to accept Christ as their Personal Savior ... this gives me comfort and can never be taken away. Have I missed out on my career? You may wonder what I did before marriage? Did Mrs. Mac attend college? Did she have a life before kids? Is she sorry to not have gone back to work? To be continued .......
Oh btw, this is NOT a knock against working moms ... but my personal choice to be "just a housewife" So, pleeeese, don't think I don't understand. My mom was a working mom my entire life ... even got divorced ... these two facts made me a stronger, more determined person that had to be very responsible at an early age ...
I thought you were my friend. Friends don't make people cry do they, as you did just now with your blog. It's one of those times when ther are no words. Other than I'm so glad you have the Lord to strenghten you and that you trust Him. Just yesterday I read a blog. the person was stuggling with what to call her occupation? I say homemaker. What does it take to make a home? A Mother, Father, children, a cook, cleaning woman, secretary, financial advisor. emotional comforter, a washer woman, someone to kiss ouchies, teacher and someone to teach children about Jesus, and a taxi driver. Anyone that does all that and more is a homemaker or a housewife that cements the home together. Along with that I once heard how to remember to spell family. F-ather A-nd M-other I L-ove Y-ou..I'll quit and leave room for someone else to comment. :-) A great Post.
I think you may be living in my brain..scary. For years I let people degrade me for being "Just a Housewife". I finally came to my senses and set them straight. It's the most difficult (if done well) and rewarding job in the entire world and I wouldn't trade it for all the tea in china. I went to work when my husband retired to bring in a little income for a short time (hopefully) and everyday I'm at work I think of how wonderful it is to be home taking care of business. I don't take away from working women, just don't take away from the value we have either. There are women who don't work and also don't contribute to their families, we don't fall into that catagory, we work from sunrise till we lay our heads down to sleep, and then sometimes we are awakend to work some more! Like you, I am married to a public servant, and I saw him on the evening news running into burning buildings with my heart in my throat, all the while keeping my family peaceful and praying for his safety...don't get me preaching here sister!! I think you touched a raw nerve in me!
surfed over from Birmingham girl's site...I too had a working and divorced mom which gave me the opportunity to grow up quickly...I was blessed to be a SAHM for the first 20 yrs of my marriage but I'm a working girl now...I have been blessed both ways...the best place to be...right where God wants me. :)
you are so precious. that was beautiful
You are amazing and it's a good thing that God doesn't do comparisons, cuz if He did, I'd suck.
I always wanted to be a stay at home mom.
Maybe... someday.
You are amazing. Oh, I already said that, it must be true :)
Once again you have gotten to the heart and soul of the matter.Beautiful post.
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