I know that's a silly title for a post. But I was thinking about it after visiting with gramma_s and reading about cleaning for a friend's visit. I was just a wondering how much cleaning we (I) do for visitors and how much real life "dust" is around when no one special is visiting. Then I remembered my special guest that is with me each day ... His name is Jesus. Do I keep a clean house for Him? Is my plasticware cabinet in order? Often I'd tell dh he could tell the condition of my spiritual life by taking a peek inside this cupboard. My house could be spotless on the inside and out ... for show or company ... but the inside of my heart might not be in order and be just one big messy assortment of mis-matched bowls and lids. After about six months or so, I have to totally clean out this cabinet. It amazes me how many pathetic plastic items with missing parts accumulate. Time for a "plasticware" spiritual cleaning again.
Oh my...you might not what to open that cabinet at my house! lol thats the one I let my kids and now grandchild play in...but you're right..no matter what, after 6 mos or so it is full of plastic pieces that have no mates...it needs cleaning out and so do I every so often. So He does the cleaning...I get dropped kicked back to basics and reminded that Christ is all I have, all I need, and all that matters...
thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind comments...I'm just reading your profile and see you are building your "retirement" home? lucky you! :) and you have a special needs child. prayers to you...I know its often a tough road...thank goodness for Jesus Christ, yes?
It's those silly Cool Whip bowls, they just keep accumulating!:) The inside in most cases isn't at "clean" as it appears outside, good point..we need to do a spiritual cleaning so the inside looks as good or better then the outward appearance. Wouldn't hurt to clean my cabinet either!
O, dear now I have to clean out my tupperware cupboard, yet. :-) I just don't have time you know, afterall I need to leave something for my friend to do.:-) (Just kidding) Usually my cupboards are more organised than my house, but, now I'm going to go take a second look, and you have a good point. I'm glad God does the cleansing of my heart, if I just let Him, and He does a much better job than I could. And I'm not kidding.
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