Over at Birmingham Girl's site she was talking about hair salons (and forgetting to leave a tip) .. which got me thinking about the older gentlman I saw at Costco today. We've all seen men, usually older men, that are shall we say follicly challanged. You know the guys, thinning on top and they grow out the sides and do that little upsweep to cover their bald spot(s). Maybe they are trying to look younger, but in all actuality, they look rather silly (especially on a windy day)... I'd much rather see the shiny old bald spot than long whispy hair trying to be someplace it's not supposed to be :) Anyway, this man had grown out his mutton chops ... i.e. side whiskers on his face and had them folded over and around his ears meeting in the back of his head. At first glance, I thought he looked a bit like the Cat In The Hat ... minus the hat. As it was, he had a package of portabella mushrooms and was asking the gal at the meat counter how to fix them all the while I'm waiting for a hot out of the firey oven roasted chicken. Folks, there was a line for the chickens and I didn't want to lose my place and I tried to be respectful and not stare too much. After he walked away is when I had finally figured out how he had "styled" his hair, I mean whiskers. Oh my!
Oh the ugly comb over. Hubby's hair is dangerously close to that description and no matter how I plead to cut it all off, he hangs on! I would rather see a bald head then a comb over. In fact, some baldies are quite attractive! I think guys are lucky now because bald is in, there's been times when I couldn't get these locks of mine to cooperate and I wished bald would be in for women! :)
The Comb Over, it is so horrible.. My father in law does the comb over pretty close...0
I wish I had more time I'd tell my story but............Pop started to go bald at 21 years of age. At first he tried the comb-over trick and finally one night when our pastor's wife was cutting his hair, she asked if she should open up the clearing. I answered, "If he's going to be bald, let him be bald." She didn't have to be told twice. Now I've got to get busy. :-) His head reminds me of heaven, because there is no parting there. I'll get busy.
I can comment on bald men because my husband has a rather large "halo" in back. He's not ashamed about his age nor his lack of hair, the latter of which he keeps often cropped. Only time I notice it (I'm a wee bit short) is when I happen to capture it on
film at which time he is sure my intentions are malicious :)
You made me laugh out loud...reminds me of the old cartoon that was in the newspaper years ago, entitled...'Larry the comb-over king'. We howled. We all know somebody.....I'll say no more...=).
What a laugh! What a complete nut he is. I wonder if he has a sense of humor?
Even better than the combover is the dreaded toupee!
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