OK, enough already. Each day I think about something to write ... and often I get going on my youngest ... The first (potty) ... Great Escape ... etc. He did it again this evening ... melted my already mushy heart with three simple words. If you only knew half the struggles we go through with the littlest details involving his care, then you'd know the significance of him saying three simple words (in a sentance). Since dh is away temporarilly (most of the time), I've had to step in and be "daddy" ... i.e. playmate for sports, trips to the park and library, etc. Tonight while we were playing lawn baseball, the little fellow said, "catch ball mama." If you heard 80% of his everday language, you'd think you were listening to "Stitch" ... as in Lelo and Stitch. Yes, the little Disney cartoon creature from outerspace that has his own language with a few understandable words thrown in for good measure. Ten percent of the time, Nathan uses sign language (some ASL ... and some pure his imagination). The other 10% are words most people could understand one word at a time. So, to hear three simple words strung together with a pause in between each was better than an early Christmas present. Just the other day a new little neighbor girl (age 4) heard Nathan for the first time and declared, "He speaks Spanish too?" I chuckled so hard on the inside as she played along with my son. Most children just get used to his unintelligable speech and eventually begin to pick up on what he's saying from that 1 word or so in 10 that is recognizable. Great weekend tidings from one estatic mom. xoxo
He has stolen my heart. Could there be more beautiful words then "catch ball mama"? You made my weekend.
Aaaahhh, that is so precious! I'm happy for you and him both!
That is precious! And what a wonderful Mom you are. I've missed my blogging time...but I'll be back. Blessings to you.
Bless his little heart. And yours. So precious
Wow --I'm sure you are so proud! What a gift Nathan is to you!!
All precious and pleasant gifts come from God --He has blessed you with a very handsome young man with a smile that goes on forever! I'm sure he steals everyone's heart!
God bless you!
That is the most precious thing I've heard for awhile. Each word is full. Play: it's a child's world of discovery. Ball: Often the first game a little boy plays (in one form or another) Mama: The most priceless and sweetest person in a little boy's life. And you (along with his Daddy) certainly are the sweetest people in his world.
Your son is precious! Although I do know how busy your days must be, I just gotta tell you how your blog inspires me. God bless you!
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