Here's a list of simple pleasures that make my day:
1. Waking up to the smell of a fresh pot of coffee
2. A cool washcloth on my face at the end of the day
3. Finding my newspaper on the front porch instead of the wet grass
4. Getting into bed at night with fresh line dried sheets.
5. The smell and feel of freshly ironed clothes
6. Yeasty bread baking in the oven ... giving off that delicious "I love you" family scent
7. Hugs from my children
8. The way my dog nuzzles her nose in my hand for me to pet her head
9. Listening and watching Nathan play along with the neighbor children.
10. Knowing that God loves me.
Can't get more simple than that? Care to share?
Those all sound pretty good!
1. The way a newly mown lawn smells.
2. A newborns silly "smile".
3.Children in their church Christmas play.
4.Really fresh apple fritters
5. The way my hand fits into my husbands hand.
And many more but the greatest of course is God's faithfulness.
Thanks for making me take the time to give thanks for the simple pleasures, I could write a really long list when I think about it!
I'm afraid I havent been taking the time to count the small blessings that God showers on me daily. Slow me down Lord!
mmm...nothing like yeasty bread smells! you're right. it's the simple things that mean the most
1. Girls giggling
2. Watching someone enjoy some kind of food that I've prepared for them
3. Phyllis, and all that she is.
1. "Velcro" hugs from my daughter.
2. A gorgeos sunset.
3. A piece of hot-from-the-oven peach pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream melting over the top.
4. The sound of crickets chirping.
5. Feeling my head sink into my pillow at the end of a very long day...which is one thing I'm looking forward to in the next five minutes!!
BUT ---I would be remiss if I didn't say that the TOP of the list is definitely God's unfailing, unconditional love.
I love simple pleasures!
The sun on my face
I like fresh mown grass smells too!
My sunroof open on a breezy sunny morning...or any morning really.
The smells of hubby making breakfast each morning..yes, every morning
Hugs from my Jadabear...too sweet!
My deck (shady)
My beach chair(sunny)...not on the same side of the house as the deck...:)
The flowers in the pots beside my steps.
Tomatoes off our own vines
Iced tea
Hymns playing on the radio on Sunday morning
I think I could go on and on! thanks for the reminder to stop and smell the roses....I see God in everyone of them.
I just loved reading all of your simple pleasures. My list had to be shortened for this post ... but it's VERY long. Thanks for sharing!
Wait for me..., seems I'm always the last one to post, but I'm thakful too.
Thankful that I can hear the frogs and crickets when I step outside.
Thankful for the dry rolling hills, that have a beauty all their own, as they turn pink at sundown.
Thankful for freedom.
Warm sand between your toes as you walk on the beach
I'm thakful for Pop (dh)
Most of all I'm thankful for salvation!
1.I like cool washcloths too, and hot tea and hot 'rice' packs heated in the microwave when I'm cold or hurting.
2. To be held in my husband's arms.
3. Cozy times.
4. The love of my God & Saviour above all else.
5. Good books that are like friends to me.
6. Beautiful things that delight the eye and make the heart sing with thankfullness.
7. The privelege of my cello lessons...to hear its mellow voice.
8. The love that wells up within me for my family.
9. Browsing the bookstore where time ceases.
10. I love the simple pleasures of scrapbooking/collaging and creating anything with my hands. There are so many blessings aren't there!
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