"These happy golden years are passing by, these happy golden years." Laura Ingalls Wilder

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Melt Down

Not a personal melt down ... just a winter melt down. JUST ... how about PRAISE THE LORD type of melt down! Except if you live in a low lying area perhaps. With about eight feet of snow compacted down to 2-1/2 to 3 feet of snow on my roof and drifts and piles five to eight feet high, the weather has warmed up to the mid forties. When night time lows are higher than day time highs, things can get pretty screwy. This week we went ahead and had a crew of men come out and shovel the snow off the roof. With rain comes melting, but with so much snow on the roof, if it rains and then freezes up, that can be disastrous to a roof. We have a nice pitch to our roof, but many (hundreds) of roofs on businesses have collapsed the past two weeks. This must be our area's version of Al Gore's global warming ;) Our local schools opened on Monday, only to close yesterday and today. Here's hoping that 'normalcy' returns soon. The boys (Nathan and Jacob) are bouncing off the walls. Send me a straight jacket (Sara).


Deb said...

I've been telling everybody that my friend in Idaho has over seven feet of snow each time they complain about the two inches that we just had that melted. Another winter storm on its way tonight --we might get 1"-3". ooohhh! ...time to panic!

Pat said...

I'm with the boys, I'm bouncing off the walls too! Having been stuck inside for days with this cold, I'm ready to venture out. Think I'll ride it out inside for one more day, it looks icy out today.
We need that day spa trip...NOW!!

Louise said...

I cannot imagine 7 feet of snow in one place at one time. I shall not complain about our measly amounts from this moment forward.

Mrs. Darling said...

That an incredible amount of snow. Our snow is finally gone and I dont want to see it again for awhile.

Thank you for your encouragement on my blog. I know your days must be fraught with stresses too but my, how we love these little creatures, in spite of it all, or maybe its because of it all.

Crown of Beauty said...

Hi the photo on your blog is very beautiful. And your post was another heartwarmer, in the midst of all that snow! 7 feet!. I certainly don't envy you. On New Year's Eve, I was already shivering when we had about 25 degrees from the Siberian cold front blowing over our island... Hope things get to normal with you soon!

Trish said...

I love snow but have NEVER experienced 7 feet of the white fluff! It is snowing here now, but you'll never hear me complain. Pray all is back to normal again...real soon!

Amrita said...

Can 't imagine how cold it must be.
I like your new background.Very timely.