Anyone want to off Washington? How many 'highly educated' nincompoops does it take to float our nation over the falls? Has the bus tram driver fallen asleep at the wheel? Did the zookeeper hand a key to every baboon? You can not learn common sense at Harvard or Yale. It's a quality that must be nurtured from a young age. With so many safety nets in place, our society does not know how to pick itself up after a fall and learn not to climb to the highest tree branch without proper training and equipment. We are over regulated, warned too often for fear of a lawsuit (McDonald's coffee warning comes to mind), that our species is producing more and more offspring just waiting for a Darwin Award. Wake up and smell the coffee America. And to those in far off lands, learn from our nation's mistakes. We were better off with less choice (Walmart), buying fewer/better quality goods made in our own land, employing our own countrymen to work white collar, blue collar, and manual labor jobs. Stop crying foul. Everybody that took part in risky loans, including those who chose to buy more home than they could ever think of affording, needs to be raked over the coals ... I won't even get into the religious aspects of our foul up, but in Old Testament biblical times, God would open up the earth and swallow hoards of foolish people.
Dear Daughter,
I know now for sure that you missed your calling. You should have been a journalist. You, indeed, hit the nail on the head with your political comments. If the people of America would just wake up and realize that without God in our lives, this country is doomed to fail. Each year sees us becoming more and more a society living for instant gratification and well beyond our means, with no thought for the future. My daily prayer is that God will intervene and inject some common sense into the masses. Let me know if you ever decide to run for an office - you've got my vote!!!!
Love from your proud mom, Tiffy
I'm just so glad that the Lord will never leave His children begging for bread. He is faithful - even when we're not!
Once in a while I drink MacDonald's coffee, I have never paid for Starbucks. If the country ran like me they would never get to having bubbles to break.
I liked your Ruby Red Tuesday, I hope you do it again. You had a really nice post.
Well, the economy is going to pot and so is my blogging. I am getting way behind on reading and leaving comments.
Thanks for checking in on me, our friend has a black 1950 Ford pickup restored and will sell it for $20,000. It is really nice but I just can't spend all that money.
off topic....go to amazon.com to order The Shack --I just ordered it for $11.04 - included the shipping....
...then we can read it together and have a 'bookclub' discussion...
Too many parallels with the OT nation of Israel!! We have become a dilluted and greedy nation which worships the god of Instant Gratification! Many are reaping what they have sown and as always with selish desires, there are innocents thrown under the wheels of the bus!
my mom and i had almost this exact conversation yesterday. while we shake our fists at the government and demand rescue, we might just own a little bit of the responsibility for the state of things ourselves. and we might just open our hands to beg God for rescue.
I've been inspired by "their" mistakes. It truly made me more reliant on God and His gifts. I can't help what everyone else does, but it's MY choice to serve and be reliant on THE ALMIGHTY! I am sure I will feel the affects of what they've done, but I will keep praying and keep praising while I am freezing my own veggies and making my own spaghetti sauce and salsa. I just need to figure out what to do with this celery I have growing in my yard and how to preserve it for the winter.
Oh, Margie! You have celery??? I was afraid to plant my package of seeds cuz it takes so long to mature! I'm very, very impressed with your gardening skills. Now for preserving it. Let's see. It does store rather long in the refrigerator, but you should be able to chop some of it and freeze it for use in soups and Thanksgiving stuffing.
sara and Pat: I think the government should just step away from the issue and let the chips fall, tumble, and break as they may. What they are attempting to do is nothing more than prolonging a slow economic death while further burdening our grandchildren. They also need to stop questioning whether or not we're in a recession. We're on the brink of a depression, and they're not even comfortable using the 'R' word. As I read the newspapers, and listen to 'politicians' give their advice/bandaid prescriptions, there's just this emptiness! No mention of getting on one's knees and begging for mercy from God. Of course, now that secular humanism/consumerism has become the new 'god' of our nation, AND our creator has been delegated to private property (i.e. church grounds), we can only hope and pray fervently that His supreme grace can once again fall upon our nation and heal our land.
I'm huming Amazing Grace while reading this - you write so clearly and so well what I feel. It's only by the grace of God this nation will not turn into a place that is totally unrecognizable by us. We must pray and speak out, those who have opposing opinions to our are not afraid to.
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