The bon fine in the autumn is warmth to the bones. Last night was such a toasty evening with family and friends sitting round the fire ring savoring coffee, peach pie I baked up from my freezing frenzy this summer, laughter, and good conversations. Hello autumn!
Photos: Top - Mangy Moose Lodge decorated for fall
Middle - Mr. Mac, the dawg & friend Bob
Bottom - Mr. Mac & grandson Jacob
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light
Ephesians 5:8
Ephesians 5:8
I love bon fires! Time for marshmallows and smores!
Oh that looks so special..what memories you are giving your loved ones...the very best kind of gift! I love seeing a glimpse...=)
How perfect, I think I can smell the smoke from the campfire! Jacob is getting so big, how time flies!
I love seeing your pictures, thanks for sharing!
i can smell the smoke too ... and almost taste the pie .. :o)
thanx for letting us join in !
Wow! You look like you are bundled for the Artic. What will happen when winter comes?
Seriously, we don't have jackets that warm looking.
Our neighbors came home from their summer ranch in Colorado, she said it was 12° and that was too cold. It doesn't get that cold her all winter.
They leave here in May, when it get up to the low 80°s.
This is a great idea, having a bonfire set up like that....I want one just the same as that...must show husband Rob this post of yours.....your family & friends look like they are having fun!!
I have found a great converstion site for those recipes that I love from America to Australia and Australian to american so the apple slice would convert for you here.
See you again soon.
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