"These happy golden years are passing by, these happy golden years." Laura Ingalls Wilder

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

When My Kids Grow Up ...

My motto for years was: "When My Kids Grow Up" ... this meant the time for me to get back in the workforce outside the home. Slowly the years have crept by. One at a time ... adding up to several decades now. Time still spent at home. No longer do I wait for these years to pass by ... there will, most likely, never be an opportunity to work outside the home. Some of my children have left the nest. Another will leave in a few short months after college. Yet another will most likely be my charge for many more years to come. Now I'm cycling in a grandchild to watch a few days a week. He's already stolen my heart and I couldn't possibly send him off to day care (not on my watch). Suddenly, I'm becoming the matriarch of our family. I am starting to like that title. It's a protective, full of wisdom type of title. Not many women can call themselves the Matriarch of their families. I've come full circle ... and I am thankful to be a child of God, sister of many friends, daughter, mother, grandmother, wife, secretary of our HOA ;) ... my job titles are too many to list. I may not get paid monetarily ... but hugs, pats, and oatmeal kisses are not too bad a form of payment.

Photo Art: A Mother's Encouragement, 06/08 by Mrs. Mac

Monday, October 27, 2008

On The Lighter Side Of Life

I'm here for a pick-me-up. I think chocolate may solve my problem ... would you like a piece too? I went and volunteered to be our home owner association's secretary/treasurer. Why, why, why!!! (pulling out my hair). Flash backs to junior high when I took minutes and typed reports, etc. came to mind as I raised my hand. I have time said I in my head. Vultures swooped in and quickly nominated, seconded the motion, wham, bam, thank you mam, you're in lady. Now I'm up to my eyeballs sorting out tax forms, missing documents, running around town, etc. Today I met with an accountant to help get things in order ... she wants articles of incorporation ... blah, blah, waaaaa, ... I want my mommy. Send help.

There's No Hiding

.... from God. In years past, I have been a magnet for depressed souls. Being a Polyanna optimist has its flaw in that the severely depressed seem to be attracted to me in an overwhelming number. My initial response is to help fix problems. Most people don't just look me up in the phone book under Miss Sunshine, but are lead to me by divine intervention (I presume ;). Some have been inherited through hubby's guy friends in the form of wives. Others from my past home schooling networks. However they find me, turning them away from a listening ear, a cup of tea, or an outing out has not been in my nature. Add to that the pressure of being the mom of child with his own special needs, it's not hard to understand how after moving to a new state, with a new start, has made me steer clear of forming attachments. Just last night I commented on a friend's blog about how I am 'hiding from God (in jest) considering myself not available to this 'outreach' He has bestowed upon me. No more than ten minutes had gone by from hitting the 'send' button for my comment when the phone rang. I picked it up to hear a familiar voice, from another state, just wanting to make sure she hadn't lost touch with me. This after 18 months of no contact. She being one of the ex-wives of hubby's childhood friend. I took this to be a sign from God that there is no hiding from Him. Just too coincidental. Am I alone in doing this 'hiding'?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

After Dark

Tonight night we (four couples) traveled to Spokane's Bing Crosby Theater (aka the Met) to see this guy. Before the concert we were supposed to eat at the Old Spaghetti Factory ... but who knew it was parent's week at Gonzaga University and the town was busy ... at five PM, the wait time was an hour ... so we went here instead. Had a wonderful evening returning to our youth ... at least in our minds. What a trip ... no drugs were involved. Really!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Come On Over <<<<<<< That A Way

I'm over at the Sisterhood Scarf site today ... you should pay a visit. (That's traveling scarf site ... not sisters scarfing website ;)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ruby Tuesday - American Style

Take a journey with me to some American events and 'hot spots' ... Heroes, driveway parades, baseball and car shows. Every picture tells a story about lives lived and honored, children, places of interest ... the fabric of American life.

(click photo for larger view ... all photos are from Mrs. Mac's personal family album)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Grammy X's Terrible Twos

sshh, it's nap time. Both for this grammy and her grandson. When he rests, I rest. Amen!

I forget how long the terrible twos last. Any idea. My home is not too child friendly, so I'm kept on my toes until nap time.

Photo: sleeping 'baby' Jacob ... 11/07

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Quiet Man

My Pop has always been a quiet man. Behind the scenes, taking care of business, not needing recognition, but always the humble servant of the Lord. He's a man of few words, and doesn't expect a thing in return for his deeds. At home, he's the inspiration behind my 'can do' spirit of getting a job done. This he has passed along to his children, without a formal, sit-down lesson on how to do a job. He teaches by his gentle manner, yet always with a wrench or hammer at hand. Willing to lend a hand to neighbor, friend, church, or stranger. A former Marine, nearly eighty years of age, yet still buff in muscle, and sharp of mind. A man of few words ... and those words he chooses to let loose are apt words of meaning. I have teased him over the years about his show of emotion. For him, this appears as a little tremble of his bottom lip. Not often displayed, but an uncontrolled response connected to his heart strings. I'm sure he displayed a little quiver on Friday night as he was honored Person Of The Year at his church. He would rather not receive the praise of man and be put in the spot light, but Pop ... it's OK to accept this recognition for a job well done. Thanks for being all you are to your family and community. You are loved.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Autumn Fire

The bon fine in the autumn is warmth to the bones. Last night was such a toasty evening with family and friends sitting round the fire ring savoring coffee, peach pie I baked up from my freezing frenzy this summer, laughter, and good conversations. Hello autumn!

Photos: Top - Mangy Moose Lodge decorated for fall

Middle - Mr. Mac, the dawg & friend Bob

Bottom - Mr. Mac & grandson Jacob

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light
Ephesians 5:8

Coming Soon ... In The Mail To You

Well, I've gone and overextended my brain once again with a goofy idea about a traveling scarf game for some of my lady blog friends. The details are yet to be hashed out ... but, hopefully by next week I'll have the plans all in order. It's loosely based on the movie, The Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants. Now we all know that 'Hollywood' had much to do with a bit of movie magic to have one pair of pants travel around the world to different friends and fit each of their various sizes as though said pants were custom made for each gal. My silly idea is to buy a nice light weight neck scarf, wear it on an outing, taking a picture wearing it, of course. You can post the picture on your blog with a short story ... but also send it on to the next 'blog sister' in an envelope with a postcard from your area and a short journal entry. I figure, if we passed the scarf around two or three times a month beginning in November, this will allow 10 to 15 participants to play along well into spring. Just imagine the 'shared journey' we can take to far off lands. I already have a few interested participants. If you would like find out more about this journey, please email me privately at: sillyoldme@yahoo.com.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ruby Tuesday

Pretty potted geraniums that adorned my backyard table are about to be tucked away for the winter months. But for a short time I shall just enjoy their summer Ruby Tuesday glow as they grace my dining room floor.

Photo: Mrs. Mac's red geraniums

Saturday, October 11, 2008

10 To Do Today

Saturday Agenda:

  1. sleep late
  2. clean up garden
  3. open-air Jeep ride around lake
  4. mow grass
  5. get burn permit at fire department
  6. rake leaves
  7. make a large pot of chili
  8. bake cookies
  9. afternoon nap
  10. bubble bath

Photo: Lakeside autumn drive, North Idaho, by Mrs. Mac

Friday, October 10, 2008

Out And About

My daughter Elizabeth and I are going saleing. There are some great garage sales listed in the paper today ... and with a growing grandson, this granny needs to pick up a few good toys for him to enjoy at her house ;)

Here's an excellent post from gramma_s regarding her humble beginning to married life. Now go pay her a little visit ... and I'll be back later.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Washington "Zooacide"

Anyone want to off Washington? How many 'highly educated' nincompoops does it take to float our nation over the falls? Has the bus tram driver fallen asleep at the wheel? Did the zookeeper hand a key to every baboon? You can not learn common sense at Harvard or Yale. It's a quality that must be nurtured from a young age. With so many safety nets in place, our society does not know how to pick itself up after a fall and learn not to climb to the highest tree branch without proper training and equipment. We are over regulated, warned too often for fear of a lawsuit (McDonald's coffee warning comes to mind), that our species is producing more and more offspring just waiting for a Darwin Award. Wake up and smell the coffee America. And to those in far off lands, learn from our nation's mistakes. We were better off with less choice (Walmart), buying fewer/better quality goods made in our own land, employing our own countrymen to work white collar, blue collar, and manual labor jobs. Stop crying foul. Everybody that took part in risky loans, including those who chose to buy more home than they could ever think of affording, needs to be raked over the coals ... I won't even get into the religious aspects of our foul up, but in Old Testament biblical times, God would open up the earth and swallow hoards of foolish people.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Ruby Tuesday

Today I'll try my hand at a Ruby Tuesday post. The origin is from Mary T, please check out her site.

The name -- of it -- is "Autumn" --

The hue -- of it -- is Blood --
An Artery -- upon the Hill --
A Vein -- along the Road --

Great Globules -- in the Alleys --
And Oh, the Shower of Stain --
When Winds -- upset the Basin --
And spill the Scarlet Rain --

It sprinkles Bonnets -- far below --
It gathers ruddy Pools --
Then -- eddies like a Rose -- away --
Upon Vermilion Wheels --

by: Emily Dickenson

Photos: Our scarecrow standing guard by Nathan's ruby red wagon, our pumpkins and flowers.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Creative Love

A meme from Pat over at Living On Grace. She assigned me with the letter 'D' ... and I'm to write 10 things I love that start with said letter. Want to play along? Just leave me a comment and I'll assign you a letter too.

Ten Things I Love:

  1. Daily walks
  2. Daisies
  3. Dressing up
  4. Dishes
  5. Dutch ovens
  6. Dunkin Doughnuts
  7. Desks well organized
  8. Detective work
  9. Dogs
  10. Dominoes

Friday, October 03, 2008

?Smart Business News?

In all fairness, how many of you think the national news coverage is unbiased? Be it politics, religion, sexism, environmental issues, etc. Yesterday, I had to call my satellite tv provider to question a charge on my bill. While I had the attention of the customer service representative, I lodged a complaint. "Why does your company peddle all of the liberal media news channels, including the new OBAMA channel, CNN, HNN, MSNBC, and the likes in your basic no frills package, and charge extra to receive the FOX network news channel???? You should give your viewers a choice of coverage." No wonder there are still so many undecided voters wavering on the political fence. I think a little friendly competition between the media companies would be a good thing. Two options are better than being force-fed one. I'm ready to pull the plug on Dish Network.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Silver Chop Crop

My daughter Ann once commented that her hair 'felt' brown. Now a statement such as this ... from her ... is nothing unusual. But I have to admit, I'm not 'feeling' the silver just quite yet ... even though I see silver. Maybe when my new doo grows out a bit, then I'll start feeling it.

On a New Beat

Tomorrow, at 08:00 hours, Mr. Mac will begin a new watch. He's been called out of mothballs to help make the world a safer place. I hope he doesn't go back to eating do-nuts or drinking ice blended mochas every day ... he's dropped 16 pounds since retiring last May ;) As an old gunslinger once told him, "keep your powder dry" Mac.