I've been lallygagging around all week anticipating turning FIFTY years old (mostly gagging;) Well, yesterday was the grand day and there's to be a big bash this coming Saturday hosted by Mr. Mac. He's in charge of everything ... I'm not gonna lift one little finger. Can I have my cake and eat it too please? I just can't resist posting this "version" of Proverbs 8:1-11 ;) Hopefully I have learned a few of these lessons with age.
Lady Wisdom Calls Out
Do you hear Lady Wisdom calling? Can you hear Madame Insight raising her voice?She's taken her stand at First and Main,
at the busiest intersection.
Right in the city square
where the traffic is thickest, she shouts,
"You—I'm talking to all of you,
everyone out here on the streets!
Listen, you idiots—learn good sense!
You blockheads—shape up!
Don't miss a word of this—I'm telling you how to live well,
I'm telling you how to live at your best.
My mouth chews and savors and relishes truth—
I can't stand the taste of evil!
You'll only hear true and right words from my mouth;
not one syllable will be twisted or skewed.
You'll recognize this as true—you with open minds;
truth-ready minds will see it at once.
Prefer my life-disciplines over chasing after money,
and God-knowledge over a lucrative career.
For Wisdom is better than all the trappings of wealth;
nothing you could wish for holds a candle to her.
Proverbs 8:1-11 (The Message Bible)
Oooooh happy birthday! I think that's wonderful. Fifty is a great age. :o)
I wish I was 50.
Have a wonderful, laughter filled Birthday - I'll be waiting for my piece of cake in the mail!
Happy, Happy Birthday you Snow Queen, you!!
You would think that after 50 years you would learn that the best season is the warm summer!!
Cold is too hard on the bones!
Love Terry
Happy, Happy Birthday!
I enjoyed the "gagging" comment, that was pretty funny!
Don't you love the way The Message puts it in everyday language? Granted, I wouldn't use it for an in depth word study of the Bible but it makes it perfectly clear! That's what I enjoy about it!
I'm approaching the big 5-0 myself, I turn 48 this September. When Dave turned 50 (he's 5 years older than I am) he went skydiving! He actually did it with our youngest daughter. His was a gift from our Life Group and hers was a graduation gift from Dave & I!
happy birthday mrs. mac! and regarding your prior post, i think you and nathan are both dabomb!
happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday!
50 is a good age right? LOL.... I turned that corner last September.... aint nuffin one can do about the turning tides of life :)
Hope the party is WONDERFUL..... how lovely to have a birthday party....
Happy Happy Birthday to you! Each year is a gift...I just turned 60..so let that cheer you up a little...grin.
Ooooh, what a Birthday celebration...an overnight-er! I feel excited for you...grin. Had to come back over & tell you to visit lostluggage at typepad dot com I just discovered today that she gives WONDERFUL collage tutorials. I'm an instant fan/student! Have a nice day Birthday Girl...=)
wow, what a birthday! and no one deserves it more!
Happy # 50 Birthday, Mrs. Mack!
Happy # 11 Birthday, Mr. Nathan!
Happy # 50 Birthday, Mrs. Mack!
Happy # 11 Birthday, Mr. Nathan!
Happy # 50 Birthday, Mrs. Mack!
Happy # 11 Birthday, Mr. Nathan!
Happy # 50 Birthday, Mrs. Mack!
Happy # 11 Birthday, Mr. Nathan!
Happy # 50 Birthday, Mrs. Mack!
Happy # 11 Birthday, Mr. Nathan!
Happy # 50 Birthday, Mrs. Mack!
Happy # 11 Birthday, Mr. Nathan!
Happy # 50 Birthday, Mrs. Mack!
Happy # 11 Birthday, Mr. Nathan!
Happy # 50 Birthday, Mrs. Mack!
Happy # 11 Birthday, Mr. Nathan!
Happy # 50 Birthday, Mrs. Mack!
Happy # 11 Birthday, Mr. Nathan!
Happy # 50 Birthday, Mrs. Mack!
Happy # 11 Birthday, Mr. Nathan!
Happy # 50 Birthday, Mrs. Mack!
Happy # 11 Birthday, Mr. Nathan!
Happy # 50 Birthday, Mrs. Mack!
Happy # 11 Birthday, Mr. Nathan!
Happy # 50 Birthday, Mrs. Mack!
Happy # 11 Birthday, Mr. Nathan!
Happy # 50 Birthday, Mrs. Mack!
Happy # 11 Birthday, Mr. Nathan!
Happy # 50 Birthday, Mrs. Mack!
Happy # 11 Birthday, Mr. Nathan!
Happy # 50 Birthday, Mrs. Mack!
Happy # 11 Birthday, Mr. Nathan!
Happy # 50 Birthday, Mrs. Mack!
Happy # 11 Birthday, Mr. Nathan!
Happy # 50 Birthday, Mrs. Mack!
Happy # 11 Birthday, Mr. Nathan!
Happy # 50 Birthday, Mrs. Mack!
Happy # 11 Birthday, Mr. Nathan!
That is my best singing, I hope you guys feel honored. You know my story, LPP taught me the Texas Birthday Song but I'm too _____ to keep it remembered.
It has been ages since I've visited you here, I hope you won't be real angry. You do have reason to feel hurt. I have been very busy with a lot of things and still am, but still I try to make my rounds.
Sounds like you are celebrating about the best too! Fifty is a good BDay, the rest can be depressing.
Happy # 50 Birthday, Mrs. Mack!
Happy # 11 Birthday, Mr. Nathan!
Hey Mr. Jimmie dear you will have to sing happy birthday all over again for that little darlin'!
Nathan's birthday is on
March 20th...Ha!!...love Terry
That is wonderful!! I am glad you had a fabulous time!! You delivery!
I'm coming up on 50 myself..and the gagging comment is perfect! Happy Birthday.
Happy birthday . Glad you had a good time
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