I'm in awe of you my dear son ... you have shown me and blessed my days with your sweetness. Our family would be incomplete without you! Although trying at times, you have made our family more sensitive to the needs of people with special needs. Thank you for being who you are, wonderfully made by God.
Hugs & Kisses,
Photo: Mr. Nathan, age 11
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
Psalm 139:13
I take it young man that it is your birthday? if so, MANY HAPPY RETURNS..... thank you for blessing this world with your presence.... and touching peoples lives so completely....
Is it Nathan's birthday? if so a very Happy Birthday to him! and congratulations to you for being his mamma..I know it has its stresses but God chose you...what a blessing for your family!
As for Paula Dean...NO everyone in teh south does NOT cook like her! but notice how wide she is...her cooking certainly explains that...:)
I wish we'd have a blog fest in our area! how fun!
No, Nathan's b/d is next month ... he's just home sick with a cold today and has been in such a lov-i-e dov-i-e mood. Makes me want to just squeeze and hug him every time he walks by ;)
He is beautiful isn't he? And such a blessing.
I have a special needs little girl in my children's church class ... Sarah is 6 and is a Downs child. I just love her so much. She is almost always smiling and she's learning to talk ... verbally and with sign language. I am teaching myself signing to better communicate with her. I truly believe these children are the closest you can get to the Father on this earth. I don't see pretense in Sarah, what you see is just what you get. She's so transparent. Oh that we grown ups could be that way with one another.
I think that's great, Louise, that you have a down's child in your church class. I'm hoping to find a perfect fit with a church as soon as my husband moves up here. Most Sunday school classes are just too overwhelming for Nathan ... it's very difficult to find a place that will include him. He needs to be well supervised.
awww ... :o) ... what a great pic!
my 17 year old autistic cousin came along with his mom & dad to my birthday coffee last monday ... he is such a sweetheart ... well behaved, smiling and just a treasure ... my aunt said, "everyone should have such a wonderful child ... " and she meant it as she looked at him through loving eyes ...
What a precious post & picture!
What a handsome young man.....and a true blessing indeed.
Tammy and Parker
I can see the sweetness just oozing out of him! What a joy and a blessing! And to think that some people, think that Nathan and others like him have little or no value in the world we live in! Shame on them!
And a very Happy Birthday to Mrs.Mac.....you can now post from the particularly preposterous position of the fifty plus lot......More power there you know...lots of life wisdom about balance and things that do matter and those that don't. Mmmmm - you are going to enjoy these years!
You must be busy with all the birthday going's on...come back and tell us all about it!
Happy Birthday my friend!!
God bless you Nathan
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