With six more weeks of winter (according to Mr. Groundhog, Punxsutawaney Phil), it's time to take some drastic measures and start dreaming of spring.
My Perfect Spring, by Mrs. Mac:
In my perfect spring the mornings are slightly chilly with a bit of warmth in the breeze (by warmth, I mean anything above 34 degrees F). The lush green of the forest surrounding my home is just peeking through the tiny patches of snow ... pushing up through the dense moss and woodsy floor of the great outdoors. Clean crisp air with that freshly hung laundry smell permeates the air. Mama deer and her babies make their way to my backyard for a nibble of new growth. Mr. Woodpecker reestablishes his/her nest in the dead tree ... making way for a nature show that can be viewed through early fall from my front porch rockers. Soon I will hear the whir of the neighborhood lawn mowers and waving hello to folks taking a walk. My dawg will be able to romp and roam her great expanse ... as currently she is bound to pace our driveway or battle with the sky high mounds of snow. There will be windows to wash and screens to put up. Smiley faced pansies to pot and shrubs to revive. Soon the bar-b-que will make it's way from storage and grace my back patio along with the all weather wicker furniture. Up will go my hummingbird feeders and perhaps a little bird bath. The tinkle of wind chimes soon will be heard and I may even wear sandals. My thighs will slim down from all the long walks I propose. Hubby will be home for good and he can get up with Nathan at night. Sleep, sound sleep will be mine once again. Sanity will return and all will be well. The End
Hi MM. This is a perfect spring you wrote about. We all should do that :-) (write about it). I haven't heard what global warming is going to do with springs and autums.
Global warming will make our summers hotter and longer and our winters colder, maybe longer also. This is because our protective blanket from the out of earth elements is corrupted.
Global warming is now in progress and will take years, if ever, to reverse the trend.
Those rockers on the porch sure are inviting!
We're now in the countdown till spring arrives...well I've actually been counting since November, but that's just me. Hal and I were just talking about the vegtables we want to plant this year~gives a person something to look forward to. I can't wait!
Thanks, Mrs. M, for your lovely comment on my Blog of 7 post. You really are too kind. :-)
You have a ton more snow than I have!!! I'm envious. And really, we have a generous amount, thanks to the blizzard of a week ago.
As for spring... Six more weeks? Try TEN! We often have a warm spell some time around the end of March, then winter descends again. We can't count on spring sticking around until at least the middle of April.
But I do love north central Alberta!
What a Spring. Thank you for sharing it with us.
p.s. Our front porch furniture is similar to yours!
um, i guess you shouldn't watch that jack nicholson movie "the shining" at this point!
love the pics!
and so sorry about the tons of snow & closed schools ... stay warm, and don't slide off the roof!
Oh goody, what joyful anticipation mrs Mac. I truly wish i could maket happen real soon for you.
We all have our weather woes. I hate the hot sticky summer. Wish our cold weather would last longer
I planted winter pansys in me poo buckets out the front of me little house, I only plant yellow and blue at this time of year :) ready for the spring....
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