Cognitive Impairment! Phooey! I hate labels ... whether they be on the back of my neckline scratching my skin ... or put next to my child's name in his school file. Labels do not always convey specific details ... For example: the label in my shirt doesn't say, "wear at risk of being annoyed" ... and the label Cognitive Impairment leaves little to the imagination that my child has a heart as big as the state of Texas and a smile that goes from ear to ear. It also doesn't mention the fact that each morning when I wake up my little mister will smother me with pats on the back and hugs around my neck, nor the numerous times a day he reaches up to give me a kiss. I think I'll change his "label" to read, Mr. Sunshine! That is a more exact description.
Photos: Nathan spreading some "sunshine"
i'm with you! i immediately rip out those labels by the way. anybody who wants to label our boy better watch it, he is a vampire construction worker after all! and i think maybe a mouskateer, although it's hard to tell exactly from the middle pic.
The only "label" he needs (and I HATE labels!) is that he is your inheritance from God. God gave him to you to love and take care of because He wanted to bless you! And judging by what I've read on your blog, I'd say you've been very blessed!
Enjoy your son for who he is know that he is made in God's image...so when you look at him, you are seeing God!
Blessings...have a wonderful Sunday afternoon!
I'm a big fan of pats on the back and hugs and kisses. You got me to thinking of some of the children on that TV show Nanny 911. Some of those children are love impaired. That's got to cause a gigantic ache in those kids. They don't feel love. Nathan is love filled - to overflowing. Nathan is just want you said - sunshine, smiles and kisses. Lables mean nothing - there's a lot of knock-off lables out there, they're phoney, mean nothing lables. Nathan's the real thing - just like his mom.
Sunshine for sure!!
I almost had to ask Bernie to get my my sun glasses from the car to even look at these bright pictures!!
You are such a rich lady Mrs. Mac!
Did you say that this little piece of sunshine was camera shy!!
Could of fooled me!...Love Terry
He cracks me up! How much money does he have in that bank anyway?!
I don't know what more I could add to some of these great comments! I've never walked in your shoes but I must say you are a grace-filled lady. I can't imagine the challenges and joys as well as smiles and tears that would come from your situation. Nathan is such a sunny child because he feels totally and completely loved and secure!
He's beautiful..and definitely NOT the product of any accident or mis judgment...He's a product of love! yours and God's
he makes me smile! thank you for sharing
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