It's late ... (Friday evening) and shame on me for having coffee this afternoon that has me still wired. We had our neighborhood garage sale today. The predicted showers held off until about 5 PM which was a blessing. Our "unloading of the goods" was rather puny ... and only netted us about $25. I don't think I'll reopen tomorrow as I'd actually rather spend the day cleaning ... or boxing up the leftover STUFF to give to charity. It was a nice opportunity to get out and meet a few neighbors.
Now to the "lost" dog story. As you may recall, dh was here for two weeks (having left just this past Thursday) ... anyway, I let him drive his new truck home after picking him and his mom up at the airport. Little did I imagine that once he pulled up in the driveway he'd hit the garage opener. The kids and I keep the "dawg" loose in there when we are away ... and since dh is still just in the "visiting" his own home mode for a few more months until retirement, he doesn't know our routine. Besides ... it just happened so fast I couldn't have stopped him. We didn't even see the dawg dash off for the green woods that encompass our area. Gone ... with the wind. I (being level headed about things ;) gave the Mr. a few dog treats, the leash and he and Nathan tromped off in search of the pet. I park dear mil inside our new house without as much as a "your bedroom is upstairs" and take off in the truck; being secretly delighted and sad all at the same time of the missing pooch. She's neurotic and needs medication for the tiniest thunder boom or 20 mile away strike of lightening, and barks and pants and acts stupid until I must rescue her from herself and put her away in the bowels of the basement without na're a window or door. Then out comes the muzzle if she won't be quiet ... she has managed to bark even with the muzzle ... sometimes I turn on a movie for her or the laundry room fan for a bit of white sound. In other words ... she's a real pain in the neck ... so the secret delight of her "gone missing" ... but, alas, she was not as stupid as presumed and dear mil spotted her in the backyard area to save the day.
My grandson is now three months old and just this week went to a salon and had his first little boy haircut. He had almost grown a mullet of soft fine baby hair ... the stylist nearly refused to cut the baby's hair ... something about company police and having to be at least a year old ... but, the kid really needed his ears lowered a bit.
Today is a beautiful blue sky, fluffy white cloud type of day in north Idaho ... I'm off to enjoy the great outdoors ... hope you have a blessed weekend.
Photo: Master Jake with his new "doo"