The past few days have flown by without much pause! My phone rings and no more than two or three words later call waiting beeps the line with the caller ID showing the next in turn for my much needed opinion or info. It's my oldest girl this time asking if I know of a full service car wash. I said, "I don't know of any, why don't you just go to a gas station and ask someone, or carry a yellow pages phone book in your car?" Dh's call is lost with the "flash" button. He is at the notary's office (1400 miles away) to sign a loan doc and needs an to answer some written questions before signing. I haven't even seen the papers yet, so am of no use. Of course, the loan officer is not in today and she want's this stuff signed and Fed-x'd back tonight. I'm multitasking with the land line and cell phones ... both BEEPING with call waiting! Honk, Honk the school bus pulls up, and I must either put Nathan on or take him off the bus. The dog needs to go out, get fed, go potty, get a drink of water ... There's piles of laundry waiting in line to be washed ... then folded, and I'm in the middle of exchanging summer for winter clothes in my youngest son's bedroom. While cleaning out Nathan's drawers, I notice the closet has clothes to sort out too; in and amongst new bedding I have stored still wrapped in the original packages ... this is for the new house. I might just sit down for a short rest ... but must remember to not take a snooze, otherwise youngest will escape once again. I WANT MY MOMMY! Oh, there's a knock at the door, Bye-Bye!
Photo: After the cleaning of Nathan's room. Notice no pictures, toys, etc. He removes everything off the walls or breaks too many things ... I've had to resort to a "bare-bones" room! He even learned that his floor heater vent (once removed) makes a great toy box and trash can!