I'm just nearing the end of my 40's and the 'ole eyes are starting to get fuzzy! I already wear bi-focals for my clear vision glasses ... that after trying the blended lenses and getting vertigo. But my sunglasses are a single vision prescription and make for a rather awkward fumble at the checkout counter as I can't see to write a check with them on. I sometimes forget to bring along my indoor glasses when shopping, so go around the stores hiding behind the dark shades. My latest purchase for a watch included the largest face and numbers I could find. No more little lines and dashes to signify the hours. I need the large numbers with a contrasting face for best use. My mom sent me the neatest little gizmo for my wallet the other day. It's the size of a credit card ... but a little bit thicker. In the center there is an area that is a magnifyer ... and a little place you can squeeze along the edge for an illuminating light. Have you ever visited a restaurant only to not be able to read the fine print on the bill or the menu with or without glasses ... due to the ambiance lighting? This little device solves that problem. Now my mid-vision is getting weaker ... trifocals are in the not so distant future. If my eyes are going ... the rest of me will start the decline in the next few years too. As my dh is always reminding me, as you age, your hair disappears, your ears and nose grow larger, you return to diapers and eating mushy foods ... sounds very appealing? Right!
We come in as babies, reliant upon our parents, then we become parents, and leave the world reliant upon our children.... Seems kind of like we get paid back for what ever we put them through when they were babies...
since I've had poor vision my entire life, I'm quite used to old age eyes. my husband on the other hand has always had great vision..till now. I carry a spare pair of reading glasses in case he forgot his. Growing old is not lovely.
I love this cat picture...it looks so 'in control'. I have trifocals...and like them and don't like them. When you get here...grin, you'll know why I feel this way. The magnifyer from your Mom sounds really nifty...I wish it wasn't true that we lose our hair as we age but especially that part about out noses and ears continuing to grow...etc. Help!!! It makes me smile though too, because as we age we are getting closer to living at home with Jesus where life will be joyous forever. Hope you've had a good day. And...I'm spinning away here and anxious to start knitting or crocheting a simple scarf or stole. Taking no orders though...I might get sued for breach of promise...grin.
Oh no!! me too! I want one of those magnifying thingys...does it all have to fall apart with age?!?!
I made the move to reading glasses just this summer. Ive had glasses or contact lenses since i was 8 years old but now I have to use the reading glasses. It really does make me feel old.
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