The past few days have found me driving myself nuts suffering from hives. Seem to bother me more at night, which makes me grouchy during the daytime from lack of sleep and overdosing on Benedryl (which makes me hyper too) ... not a pretty combination!
The rain has finally returned after I think 95 days of dryness. Now I have to figure out the sprinkler timer and cut down on the watering ... for now it's turned off.
I should resume blogging in a day or two when I'm feeling better. In the mean time, check out the progress on our new home at This New House.
Hope you'll start to feel like your old self again soon. Sounds like you have a pretty intense case of hives. NO MORE JUICE!
Gotta get your self well...that new house is going to demand your attention...come on, there's curtains to pick and and pictures to choose and accessories to buy!
I'm praying for you.
Try some Milk of Magnesia, applying directly to the hives. The alkalinity may relieve the itch.
Then try not to think about it!
(yeah right!)
Glad you're starting to feel better. Amazing how long it take sto get that stuff out of your system....the house looks great!
I'm sorry to hear that you are still suffering with hives. Who would have ever thought this could happen!! About that sweater...ahh, no orders are being taken at present...grin. But I am enjoying my new 'journey'. I found your comment quite interesting..its true, spinning your own yarn used to be a fact of life..back then. Its hard to imagine, isn't it! Get well soon!
We remodeled our house adding 1450 sq ft to the original 1350 and it was the most stressful thing we ever did in our marriage. In many ways our marriage hasnt totally recovered since. There are little things that we seem to hang onto from those days 8 years ago. It was just incredible stress.
Just coming by to see how you are. take care...wishing you the best of health and soon!
So sad that you are feeling bad Hives are no fun. I got them once when I was little and then again after I had 8 children, the doctor said I would feel better if I would have a little vacation. So I went to the coast and by the time I was half way there (my mom's house) I was all broke out from the excitment. (like a little kid)I did feel better after 2 weeks.
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