Last night the dawg and Nathan were stirred up a bit. They both have super keen senses and .. much to my surprise .. had detected the presence of a storm off in the distance well before it arrived. Just last year Nathan could be found holed up in an interior bathroom sleeping on the floor with the exhaust fan and light on during such an event. And Miss Holly, the dawg, would be given a sedative to make it through the night. This is a picture of Nathan and his dawg waiting out the storm. Brave boy sat under the front porch on a rocker wrapped up in a blanket .. pretending that dinosaurs were making all the racket. The dawg was allowed inside to fidget ... drug free ... until all was calm. Miracles never cease to amaze me;)
"On the morning of the third day there was thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast. Everyone in the camp trembled."
Exodus 19:16