I've got some type of flu bug. Yesterday I lost my voice (to my kids that was probably a good thing ;) Today I'm achy and not up to speed. It's 10 AM and I'm still in my pj's. Maybe I should go get dressed so I'm not such a fright to look at should someone come knocking at the door. Be back later.
Praying that you'll feel better soon.
I stay in my PJ's when I'm feeling poorly...of course the only ones who ever see me, are the Grandbabies and they don't care what this ol' gal looks like!
Oh, that's not good. Praying for you to get better soon. I'm just getting over a little something too. We need some sunshine and warm weather!
May you soon be well! When I'm sick I stay in my old, comfortable sweats. Rest my friend and take care.
What a bummer. You probably didn't feel good enough to play any pranks on hubby or the kids. Hope you're up to speed soon.
Get well soon Mrs Mac
so sorry to hear this mrs. mac.
i think that you should just stay in your jammies and get some rest.
that is exactly what i am doing for a while, but i know that i don't have the responsibilities that you do....i will pray for you just like you have prayed for me...love terry
If it keeps pesky people from bothering you, I say stay in your PJ's!! Feeling bad stinks! Let your family pamper you a bit, you've earned it!
I think by the time you read my comment you will be up and out and about again for sure. The rest possibly did you more good then you think.... our bodies just know when to get us to stop talking! (Smiles) stop rushing round and making us rest.
Have a lovely day!
Hope you'll be recovered soon and will be up and about to enjoy the spring!
dear mrs. mac
just popping by to say hi and hope that your flu bug is all gone.
hug that little gift for me, eh.
love terry
praying you're feeling better
Oh you poor thing...take it easy and I hope you are feeling much better and soon!~~~ Thanks for your empathy about our flood. Things are drying out far better than we ever thought they could. Thanks to the Lord, 2 de-humidifiers, and a big fan plus it helps maybe the basement family room is not underground.~~May I recommend Ricola cough drops if your throat is sore. Take care...don't overdo. *hugs* Maggie
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