... Snowing ... It's Raining ... It's Snowing ... It's Raining ... It's Snowing. The weekend prediction is to hit a nice warm 60 degrees by Sunday. Followed by (you guessed it) ... rain/snow showers next week. March came in like a lion and went out like a saber toothed tiger. The groundhog saw its shadow twice I think ... that must mean twelve more weeks of winter. Even this Snow Queen is dreaming of a nice warm day in the hammock. My flu bug flew the coup today. It stuck around for three days. Not being a person that likes to take meds, I succumbed last night and took a swig of cough syrup. The trouble with taking a medication to relieve you of body aches is that you forget you're sick and 'feel' well enough to work instead of getting some healing rest. My theory is that you are sick for a longer period of time. This is one of my hair-brained, unscientific ideas.
I have yet to see any sign of spring ... other than birds. Not one speck of green. Our trees are wanting to bud/leaf out ... but have decided not to. Of course, If you drive down off the mountain, the farmers' fields are beginning to show the first hint of spring green color (and I mean hint).
Winters in Idaho are similar in length to those we spent in Michigan. But the scenery is far more beautiful here than words can describe on a cold, clear, sunny day. I long for the spring that you southerners are enjoying. The 60 degrees predicted for Sunday will feel like summer after surviving the snowiest winter on record ... since records were kept in the late 1880's. I don't mind winter ... but the transition between winter and spring is a bit drawn out ... that's why I did my spring cleaning in February ... so not to waste one nice sunny day being stuck inside with a dust cloth. In a few months when my veggie garden is in full swing, I will think back to the months spent just itching to get outside and start working. My back and arms will ache from the production of the whole thing. A good ache ... if there is such a thing. My mind wanders to last summer sitting out back sipping ice tea. Flitting here and there with no thought of having to don a pair of boots, gloves, scarf or a coat. On the positive side ... I know spring will get here! The days are growing longer with each passing sunrise and sunset. There are more birds stopping at the back yard feeders. This week I hope to put up a new blue bird house after I finish reading a book about taking care of them. Currently I'm reading about storing food in a root cellar, a book about short stories related to knitting, a book by Nicholas Sparks called ... Three Weeks With My Brother, and a book about home preserving foods. And you thought I was just sitting around in my jammies all day, eh? Well, between reading, I have been knitting cotton dish clothes ... and inventing new patterns as I go along. No two are alike ... amazing how easy they are to make (up). Well, that's my life this week in a NUT shell. Hope you have a good weekend.
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(I'm thinking spring)
Oh but when Spring really breaks, isn't it wonderful!!
I'm glad your feeling better, I agree about falsly feeling good and working when you should be resting. I've been guilty of that so many times myself.
Have a good weekend..don't over do it!
You got spoiled in Missouri, M&M! The trees ARE GREEN there. Oh well, your summers are nice.
I got caught in my PJ's yesterday too! Katrin was going after the neighbor's dog, that one was on a leash, and I had to go carry her back.
I never show my PJ's on the blog. Of course in Texas they have short bottoms and short sleeved tops. And my slippers are flip-flops.
Anyway, I think you are better today. Well, I thought you were until I saw this 'ridiculous stuff.' Why don't you do some letters?
Hi Cathy,
Oh, my... I certainly didn't think you were just sittin around in your jammies. Not you. I guessed it, you were reading and knitting and thinking what to do about the birds, and preserving food, and what to plant in your garden... and...and...and. You just never cease to amaze me. So full of bright ideas. I can imagine that your day is always full! Love the new look on your blog. I love the shade of blue you used. Blue is my favorite color, the exact pale, ash powder blue you used. And I love the butterfly photo taken by your daughter.
Happy Spring!
I'm so glad the flu released you from its vile clutches.
I have a book to recommend to you, since you're in reading mode: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. It was recommended to me by another friend, and I think you'd like it as much as I did! It's about the isle of Guernsey and how the people survived the German occupation during World War II.
wv: calke. It's one of those tasteless white cakes with white icing that you eat because there's nothing else to eat and then you still regret it.
dear mrs. mac,
it really sounds like to me that you would like to give up your title and resign as our special idaho snow queen.
i am not blaming you.
the lilac buds are coming out in welland.
do you have lilacs in idaho.
well if you do i hereby crown you the idaho lilac princess....
far better a happy princess than a freezing queen, eh, mrs mac.
the farmers fields here are showing a lot of green fields too mrs. mac because of all the rain we are getting.
the birds are filling the air with their singing and bernie and i are filling their feeders more often because i really do think they are building their spring homes, so every so often they have to stop for a dinner break...
mrs. mac, i am so glad that you are feeling better and that the nasty bug flew the coop and now you deserve some warm weather.
i think that we should fire that old ground hog.
he ain't doin' us no good.
him and all those extra weeks of winter.
enough is enough aleady.
Well take care and relax ,reading all those books.
the rest will do you good princess lilac..ha.....love terry[who is playing hooky from sunday school]
ha....ha....mr jim flying after katrin in his jammies...hee hee...not a pretty sight!
That all sounds good!
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