Strike ... Spare ... Way to Go Nathan! We just got back from celebrating Nathan's 13th birthday on a class field trip to the bowling alley. Today is all about my youngest. He's not a cake type of guy ... so cookies were in order. I made him a custom t-shirt with Under Dog on the front. He was grinning from ear to ear. If you are a new reader ... check here for a tribute from my Canadian friend Miss Terry. She put together quite a grand reprise of the path he's traveled.
Happy Birthday Nathan! Congratulations, you're now officially a teenager!
Dear Mrs. Mac, I can't believe how tall he is getting.
He is a real handsome young man.
I knew he didn't really like cake but doesn't he like jelly beans?!
He is your youngest Mrs. Mac and he will ALWAYS be your baby but we won't tell him that, eh?
You are truly a blessed lady Mrs. Mac.....Love Terry
Happy Birthday big guy!
An official teenager..WOW! Does that mean that you now get your McDonalds french fries super sized? Tell your Mom I said you should!!
Happy Birthday Nathan!!!
Dear Nathan,
I've been looking for you to congratulate you being a teenager.
Enjoy the day and your teenager status.
You are looking so cool in that T-shirt.
From Felisol in Norway.
Happy bithday Nathan.
Wish i could go bowling with you. Never done it. In India there a very few bowling allys
Thirteen! They sure grow up fast! It looks like he enjoyed his birthday and bowling is a fun way to celebrate. I fear my bowling days might be over, I haven't tried since my knee surgery.
Such a loss to the sports world!
Happy Birthday, Nathan! Wow, a big thirteen! That makes you a teenager now, wow!
Adi and Amber had a very nice time up there at Miss Terry's party for you.
They got in to Texas this morning, pretty tired but after their nap now they are ready to go again.
Again, Happy Birthday and Congratulations on being the BIG 13 at your house now!
Happy Happy Birthday Nathan !!! super sized fries sound yummy to me!!
that terry is such a sweatheart, isn't she? i saw the tribute ... and came over here to give a (hug) into the mix!
Just checking in friend...pray all is well!
Belated Happy Birthday wishes Nathan! What a milestone to turn 13! It looks like he had a fantastic Birthday. What a great memory you've made. I'm going to be ornery and ask if you scrapbooked a page about it!? I'm mad at myself for not scrapbooking. I LOVE to combine collage and scrapbooking together and haven'tdone a page for about well....lets not go there. My seedlings are a joy to me. How are your's coming along?
Happy Birthday nathan!! we love you!!!
Wow! Your baby is a teenager! Look out now! Happy Birthday Nathan!
Happy belated Birthday Nathan!
...I'm coming over if you're going out for Super-sized fries!
Terry's post was awesome, was it not! We are blessed...all of us sisters...to have each other!
Just checking in...Pray all is well!!!
Gosh! birthday party and bowling now that truly goes together....Nathan, Dear 13 year old "happy birthday! from Australia"
Looks like your darling son had a lot of fun Mrs Mac! (smiles)
Bowling like a champ!
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