... is blank! The Mr. recently hung all of his 'paraphernalia' from his law enforcement career; plaques, awards, official looking certificates, notes of congratulations from the White House and State Capitol. An official portrait in uniform holding 'my' shotgun, a vintage wooden night stick, retirement this and that. Then immediately next to his wall of fame is my blank wall. Not one trophy, award, picture, or congratulatory note. I once was nominated by my daughter for 'mother of the year' ... but didn't receive that award. Hummmm, it's a wonder I don't have an inferiority complex or bad attitude. Naaa, my awards and trophies are carried around in my mother's heart. I remember each scraped knee I've bandaged, every night I sat up with a sick little one, cleaned up bodily fluids up the wazoo, and have been complimented for pulling off some great family get-togethers. My best reward is knowing my kids have been instructed in the Good Book and each have a personal relationship with Christ. I ask you, what more of an award could a mother ask for?
Amen to that sister! Being a Mom beats it all - hands down! When you get to heaven and see all the jewels in your crown that you'll get to lay at Jesus' feet...all from being a Mom...that letter from the White House that your DH received will pale in comparison!
"Her children rise up and call her Blessed".
All that other stuff will fade away or will burn with the chaff. The most important things we do with our lives is investing in those we love. There's One who sees and one day we'll get that recognition. I am convinced that those are the jewels that go into the crowns that we get to lay at our Savior's feet!
Happy Sunday to you and yours!
Hey Deb!
We must have been writing at the same time!
great minds...
Yet another difference between men and women..and God made us this way, so it must be right!
When I left my job, I had several awards, did I bring them home? Nope, I tossed them in the trash. They were nice to get while working, but they didn't define me. Home and family define me.
It's important to recognize the needs in each of us, good job on recognizing yours and hubby's!
Amen and amen! Those kids or ours are some of your greatest trophys.... and didn't someone say our treasures should be laid up in heaven..?? Yours definitely are!
Dear Mrs. Mac,
I for once am speechless...
This is such a touching post.
It must be if I can't even talk!
Love Terry
Well spoken, Mrs. Mac!
I am well and thriving and still very much in blogland. I write FOR every day, just not ON every day. Stop by later and you'll see a week's posts suddenly show up. :p
I sent you an email, to the address on your profile.....
You have done wonderfully in the hardest job in the world. Congratulations. And your trophies along the way are all those things your kids made for you at school.
What a wonderful outlook you have. I like that. And, you know what they say... behind every successful man is a good woman!
I love your happy juices, and your happy genes... your positive outlook is encouraging. Your awards are all going to be waiting for you in heaven, but not only that, you have many awards hanging in each of your children's hearts!
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