I'm walking on the clouds this week. Soldier Boy has been home for a few days now and, boy, it's great to have him home. His manners have improved ten fold since he left home in 2000 for parts unknown with the Army. He's been most helpful and always asking what he can do. There's lots of 'yes ma'am' being said ;) A job landed in his lap this week (Thank you Lord)!
On the home front: Nathan is partaking in swimming@ the Y and a trip to Spralmart to buy the three items on his list. God bless those special ed teachers for having so much patience and all. One of these trips (swimming or shopping) with him would do me in ... but two in one day, I think these gals are all saints!
Spring is calling ... can you hear it?
Just for the record ... Patrick was not sent to Iraq. He volunteered to go three times and just missed going by days numerous times between transfers to various forts and overseas locations. He served proudly as a tank crewman for over eight years.
I can even see spring today. Some tulips are coming up that weren't covered by snow. And my spring cactus is blooming too. Of course my poinsetia and Christmas cactus are also in bloom and I have no idea if that's because it still feels like winter.
Your Patrick is such a doll. He's so precious with that big smile. He's welcome in my house anytime you get tired of him. I'm so glad I got to meet three of you.
Here's hoping the Army does something similar with Miss B's manners, LOL!
LOL... I was posting on YOUR blog while you were posting on MINE. Serendipity.
A little time a some maturing does wonders! I'm so happy to hear all is going well, including a new job!
Does Nathan like to swim? Boy I sure hope so! He'll be all worn out when he gets home!
The sunshine says Spring here, but the temps say "not yet"!
Your son has been in the military since 2000?!? Wow! Home at last sounds too good to be true!
I do hear spring calling! hallelujah!
As I said before, eight years is a long time to be away, and I'm just rejoicing with you that Patrick is finally back home. Praise God for the job, and yes! Spring is calling! Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday!
Dear Mrs. Mac,
After just reading your most recent post, I STILL can't talk, so I will come by later on this evening...Love Terry
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