Soldier Boy arrives home early tomorrow afternoon (Lord willing). He's stopped for the night along the Columbia River (Oregon) and has about four hours to drive tomorrow. Our flags will be up and flying (stars & stripes and the U.S. Army flag) to welcome him home. I'll take some pictures to post. It has been a long time coming to have him home (other than on leave).
Oh I am so glad Mama Mac!
I will have to put some flags on my blog dear Mrs. Mac!!
We all appreciate what your soldier boy did for not only the States, but also for the Canadians and for the dear people over there that he and his fellow soldiers were risking their lives to free!
God bless America and the troops!
Love Terry
oh happy day! Please give him a hug for me!!
I'm so happy for you Mrs. Mac! What great news! I have tears in my eyes just thinking about how happy and joyful you will be to have him home.
So glad to hear that your Soldier Boy will be home soon...I know you can't wait to get your hands on him!!!
How proud I am of our troops and the sacrifices they have made for their country...thank him for me!
God Bless him! I know you are super excited to have him home for good!
Hug his neck and never let him go!
Not to be a "downer" but I finished reading the book,
The Bedford Boys" about one small town in America's sacrifice on D-Day. It ripped my heart out to first read of them landing on the beaches in Normandy and then to read of the small town and their suffering as they began receiving all of these telegrams. We, in this country just don't have the appreciation and gratitude for our military but also for all of their families who deal with anxiety, fear and loneliness! God bless all of you!
I cant even imagine your excitment! I am just so overwhelmingly glad for you all!
I can hardly wait for the entry and pictures you will post about Soldier Boy's homecoming! Rejoicing with you Cathy.
I'll be thinking about all of you as you are all together again. What a blessing the Lord has given..a fine son returning home and a wonderful family to welcome him back.
Hug him reallll hard!!
Dear Mrs. Mac,
by now your dear son surely has arrived.
Send him a heartily welcome from Norway too.
He'll remain in my prayers.
From Felisol
Wow, that is great! Ever since I have been reading your blog he was gone, in the service. I am glad it is over for him. Give him lots of hugs, ice cream, hot dogs, and home made food!
We are all ready to see those pictures too.
BTW, I hope you have the snow melted off your street. We don't want him to slip and fall.
Hooray! Hoorah! Patrick is home!!! (Can you hear the crowd roaring?!)
:) God bless you Patrick and thank you...from the bottom of my heart...for your time and sacrifice for our nation! Welcome Home!!
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