The calendar says it's nearly spring ... but it eludes our area ... at least my particular street. I have seen the birds of the field, and a few trees just beginning to form leaf buds ... but my beloved snow is holding tight and not wanting to give up the good fight. That 'old man winter' is a pesky fellow to say the least ... rather grumpy, a bad penny ... I'm going to take the welcome mat out from under his feet and sick my dog on him. Yes, the Snow Queen has spoken ... be gone!
Dear Mrs. Mac,
I was talking with my mother yesterday. She too has some snow left in the garden.
She's been out, digging away snow on the south side of the house, finding lots of redy snowdrops under the snow.
March is not over yet, so the old King Winter is still able to put up a fight in quart arctic areas..Do you, like us, have longer and brighter days?
The sun is up almost 12 hours a day now. In three days we have the the vernal equinox!
From Felisol
It would be nice if I could say,
"I know what you mean",
but I don't! Springtime in Texas is lovely! Too bad it doesn't last very long! We have 45 minutes of Winter and maybe 90 minutes of Spring, then it's
Hot, Hot, Hot!
No more snow in Michigan! I think I'm going to start planting some flowers in portable containers!
oh... and can you do a post about how you make your own cleaners and that sort of stuff! You are always inspiring me!!
I am sooo ready for Spring...
Kell found a crocus blooming yesterday and the tulips are now popping from the ground.
Thank you snow queen...winter be gone!!!
Oooh send us some cold weather. Its warm and I miss winter!!!
I'm almost afraid to think that Spring is here...it's been known to snow in April. But, I'm going on faith and agree with you...snow be gone!!
Felisol, We indeed have about twelve hours of sunlight each day now ... and more to come soon. Our spring begins tomorrow morning (Friday). Our snow looked a bit less and less today ... it's slowly melting.
I could send big bad ferocious Bentley your way. HE would scare away old man winter - for sure!
Dear Mrs. Mac,
It is the first day of spring!!!
Happy birthday to your beautiful little boy....Love Terry
Happy birthday Nathan
I wish you could banish the cold weather with a wish...or command...wouldn't it be nice. Your tree picture really says it all...grin.
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