Can mighty pine trees grow tall without soil? Can luscious tomatoes flourish without water? Blossoming flowers look great before they're cut or picked, but without soil or water they wither more quickly than grass. That's what happens to all who forget God— all their hopes come to nothing. They hang their life from one thin thread, they hitch their fate to a spider web. One jiggle and the thread breaks, one jab and the web collapses. Or they're like weeds springing up in the sunshine, invading the garden, Spreading everywhere, overtaking the flowers, getting a foothold even in the rocks. But when the gardener rips them out by the roots, the garden doesn't miss them one bit.
From Job 8 (The Message Bible)
From Job 8 (The Message Bible)

Jewels ... floral gems of multicolored violet, blue, orange sunburst, pinks, chartreuse. Some gems are as big as saucers; others are as tiny as diamonds. The colors of nature harmonizing and meshing into a floral 'song'. There's even a 'toad' snoozing in the hammock. What's in your garden?

weeds. that's what's in my garden.
lots and lots of weeds.
Your flowers are very beautiful
Ha!!! You better give that toad a smooch and maybe he will turn into a retired prince and take you and the Gift and little Jacob on his white horse and drive you into the sunset...So romantic
Such nice flowers Mrs.Mac. I do believe you have a green thumb!..Love Terry
Beautiful flowers. I've never gotten so much joy from the abundance of Gods hand then I feel this year. We are working ourselves into a lather, but we are still enjoying all the beauty the lather is producing!
Mr. Mac looks a wee bit to comfy on that hammock...your turn!
Since I have time I thought I would catch up on my favorite blogs, starting with yours, but I think yours and a couple others is all the further I will get. Your flowers are so pretty and your pictures so interesting. Just Gramma_s
Ah, good old summertime! What a great 'toad'..many a single gal would wish for a toad like this to be in their hammocks! Aren't we Thanks so much for coming by and leaving me comments when I was 'away' mostly preparing for VBS, it warmed my heart...When I was in the hall Sunday outside a classroom, 3 little girls from my VBS class came running over and threw their arms about my legs in a big hug...smiling up at me. What joy! Now, hurry and get in that hammock too, its made for two I
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