I'm a mushy mommy this morning. Sunshine boy Nathan has gone and filled my heart with joy overflowing. His sweetness is filling the air today. We're spending the weekend and part of next week without his dad and sister. They're off on a family reunion in Illinois while we get the whole house to ourselves. Five days of quiet ... no rush schedules ... no to do list ... just mommy and me time. His extra chromosome must be the one in charge of hugs and good cheer. Blessings on your Sunday.
He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:2-4( NIV)
Matthew 18:2-4( NIV)
Photo: Mr. Nathan ... about 2002
his clothes need a good soaking ;)
That's the very scripture I was going to post this morning but couldn't find a picture that I felt really expressed it the way my heart felt it should. You have just posted not only the picture, but the depths of my heart. Enjoy your time together...just being!
Dear Mrs. Mac..This is so nice. You have those two angels with you all to yourself and yet you are taking the time to share them with us.
I am loving every moment of it.
We just got back from Mom and Dad Golden's and I was so glad to see you on my outlook express.
Yes? You wondered that you had been saying sweet nothings about the Dawg over at Amritas? Ha!!
That is why I get so behind in my blog and commenting on other blogs, because I not only read the excellent posts that my blog friends make but I read each and every comment. Some of the comments are posts in themselves!!
I won't tell you to have a blessed Sunday because it looks like you already are having one...Love Terry
PS I think that giving that little Gift a hug would surely be a stress buster!!! A real tight hug!!!
mr. nathan just made my day too!
Hi MM -- Enjoy these five days! And stay away from blogs.
You are one very blessed Mom.
Give him a hug from us, k?
Never you mind Mr. Jim!
We are enjoying these daily posts from our little lady from Idaho!!
Don't you stay away from YOUR blog either! Amber refused to give me the answers to your contest. See if I invite her here anymore, deal or no deal!....Love Terry
Dear Mrs. Mac,
yes Nathan is really huggable.
Enjoy your God given child and your wonderful home. Hope you'll be able just relaxing in the sun. Weeds will always be there, washing and dusting too. Nobody is gonna steel that away from you, I know for sure.
Capture the freedom and ease, cause that treasure is hard to hold on to.
From Felisol
Lovely to read about this. Nate 's such a darling.
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