With the blink of an eye, poof! My little girl is all grown up and ready to fly away. Today she graduates from high school. In the not too distant tomorrow she heads off to college and the world beyond. No longer under my care ... but able to spread her own wings and fly free. My how she has grown into a fine young woman. Thank you Lord for giving her dad and me the privilege of caring for her and now setting her free. May she keep her eyes focused on You and walk the straight and narrow path. May she lean upon You as she makes her way in life. Please guide and direct her. Amen and amen.
Congratulations and amen. Other than that, all I can think of to write is a lot of very predictable gabble along the lines of "my how she's grown" which nobody wants to read, so I'll quit. :o)
She is so beautiful - so young and stepping into that next exciting time in her life.
I join you in your prayer for her future, she's had great parents to bring her to this point in her life.
Congratulation to the graduate...and to her parents!!!!
Didn't the time fly?
DEAR Daughter,
It seems only yesterday or so that I drove down to Southern California to be with you for the birth of your third child. After two weeks and one false alarm I finally had to leave for home to take care of your dad. Wouldn't you know it, Ann made her appearance the very next day after I left!!! From then on I used to call her S.P. for slow-poke. What a joy she has been over the years as I watched my little "clone" grow and mature. I will never forget the funniest thing she ever said to me: "Grandma I want to be just like you when I grow up, except I want my own skin!" This being said as I was putting face and neck cream on for my wrinkles! Out of the mouths of babes......Remember, your memories are your treasures......
Wow! It DOES go by in the blink of an eye doesn't it? Our youngest is turning 18 in October and is going to be a senior in high school himself. I imagine I will be a total wreck this time next year! Our youngest daughter is getting married in November and it just seems like yesterday I was snuggling them in one hand and referring them, sending them to different corners with the other!
Congrats to you and the mister!
your baby is a beauty! we join with you celebrating her life so far and praying for God's hand to continue to guide her!
Congrats to your beautiful daughter.
Congratulations to the whole family and especially to your daughter.
Does she have a job?
she is a lovely young woman! blessings on her, as she starts her young adult life!
Congratulations to your beautiful daughter! A whole new world to enjoy...may the Lord bless her richly as she trusts in him for the 'small stuff' as well as the big things.
she is a beauty like her mom!!
Will keep her in my prayers!
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