The sky is falling, the sky is falling! Well, there certainly is a lot of bad news happening around the world of late. Wars, rumor of wars, droughts, 800+ wildfires sparked by lightening in California, flooding and its aftermath in the Midwest, reports of drunken ... out of control Amish teens, tornadoes, earthquakes, typhoons, sky rocketing fuel and food prices, a weak dollar ... on and on until one dares not pick up the daily newspaper to read. End times or just bad times? Whatever it is, we'd better wake up and start preparing for the worst of times. Is your house in order? Do you have an emergency plan? If you haven't made the decision to walk with Christ, now would be a good time to take that leap of faith. Just what are you waiting for? Something to fall from Heaven and hit you on the head?
Dear Mrs. Mac...How long suffering the Lord really is, giving us all these signs of His coming and yet tarrying for mankind, waiting till they listen to His voice and be saved!
How our hearts have hardened to the plight of so many people and we sit satisfied in our own comforts.
Oh Lord soften our hearts! There is so much work to be done in bringing in the lost!
For surely the Lord will come quickly and then it will be too late!
Thanks for such a stirring post Mrs. Mac!....Love Terry
Revelation 14:6
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
7Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
My own personal beliefs are that we are living on borrowed time from the Lord. My Hub and I have been watching "John Adams" from Netflix and it's been incredibly interesting for a history fanatic like myself to watch this on our founding fathers. I marvel at the delicate balance of liberty and protecting such liberty and how far our country has declined in its moral absolutes in 200+ years. I thank God that "every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord" and my heart yearns for that day! The other part of me knows that when that day comes, there are no more second chances, time is up and there will be some that I personally know that will be lost forever! Thank the Lord that it is HIS timetable and not my own!
Great post Mrs Mac.
Wonderful, wonderful post. The handwriting is on the wall, but many still turn their heads and refuse to read it. No one knows the day or the hour - it's up to us to live a life ready, anticipating, and loving and showing the way to those who don't feel "ready" to make that decision to walk with Christ.
Maranatha - Come Lord Jesus!
Jesus is coming soon
We have to be prepaed as we are living in the last days.
You and I must be reading each other's minds.
What a great post, a thought provoking post and, an exciting one. I get excited when I think about our precious Jesus coming back. We will know no more pain and every wrong will be made right. Oh the joy when we cam see the Lord face to face. And just think, I can spend a thousand years with each of my friends including you, and have thousands more to spend at my Saviour's feet.
I also can't wait to hear the singing. Love gramma_s
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