Well, maybe that's a harsh title ... but little Nathan's tummy was not feeling too well last night, so I most likely will be keeping him home from school this morning. This from a mom that used to count ounces in ... and ounces out with the little guy. So I'm taking no chances that sending him will mean having to pick him up early wearing soiled clothes. Poor little man ... whenever I have the slightest suspicion about his GI health, I err on the side of caution and give him lots of TLC. He's the kind of kid that begs for food with a tummy ache! Prayers are appreciated.
Oh dear...praying all will be back to normal soon!
Prayers on the way. I've suffered with stomach problems most of my life, I sympathize with little man. Better to err of the side of TLC then not. Tell him I want to eat when I have a stomach ache too!
What a cute picture...and I hope your Nathan has a quick recovery. Having GI upsets is not fun. Isn't it true though, thats when you feel like you are starving, I can identify with Nathan there...saying a little prayer for him.
Poor kid. You know Tink doesnt even know when she's hungry or when shes full. She can go forever without eating but then when she does eat I have to stop her because she cant tell when shes full. How odd is that? You are so right in keeping that sweet boy home. When kids are sick they need their mamas.
Praying that God heals that little boys tummy ache. With a mom like you, I am sure he sees God everyday in your eyes as you comfort him.
How's Nathan doing today?
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