... is blank! The Mr. recently hung all of his 'paraphernalia' from his law enforcement career; plaques, awards, official looking certificates, notes of congratulations from the White House and State Capitol. An official portrait in uniform holding 'my' shotgun, a vintage wooden night stick, retirement this and that. Then immediately next to his wall of fame is my blank wall. Not one trophy, award, picture, or congratulatory note. I once was nominated by my daughter for 'mother of the year' ... but didn't receive that award. Hummmm, it's a wonder I don't have an inferiority complex or bad attitude. Naaa, my awards and trophies are carried around in my
mother's heart. I remember each scraped knee I've bandaged, every night I sat up with a sick little one, cleaned up bodily fluids up the wazoo, and have been complimented for pulling off some great family get-togethers. My best reward is knowing my kids have been instructed in the Good Book and each have a personal relationship with Christ. I ask you, what more of an award could a mother ask for?