... my favorite potted plant ... geraniums .. whether the scented variety, or plain ol' Tango Red, scream summer, white picket fences, sailboats on blue shimmering seas, friendly cats, rocking chairs, porch swings ... you'd think they were some lofty snooty flower from the places they call home. This window flower box arrangement was spied, captured .. and 'enhanced' via computer wizzardry to become a watercolor snapshot of delight. However grand geraniums can be, the winter winds and frosty mornings let them know that they're not the boss :)
Wilted and withered down to a clump of mush is a geranium left out on its own in the winter climate. There's just no reviving them, no mater how sweet you talk. So if you have any potted ones left out on your porch, be sure to tuck them away in a cool dark place over winter to see if they will give you another showy year.
Here are a few more pictures from my
recent trip. As you can see, God has
such talent when he created our earthly home. The beach was all mine for a moment in time. And the waterfall (Hardy Falls) is at the end of a stream used by spawning salmon. The hike to the falls followed a shallow stream with fish ladders. Some fish were still

Photos: Top, 'Geraniums In The Looking Glass' .. taken and enhanced by Mrs. Mac. .. downtown Peachland, BC (10/09)
Middle, Lone beach, Peachland, BC
Bottom, Hardy Falls, Peachland, BC

Dear Mrs. Mac,
My terrace is flowing over of geraniums of all color and size.
I had originally no intention of taking them inside for the winter. They tend to die this slow and tragic death by me. My mother says they need some water in the winter as well, and then in March large thin sprouts shoot out, while I'm not attending, and pling, plong all the work of a long winter is in vain.
If I can place them in a dark corner of the basement and let them care for themselves like the begonias, well, I guess, I'll give it a go.
Sweet inspiration!
From Felisol
I took my geraniums in last winter, put them in the basement and watered them only once. Though dormant, I could tell they were still alive, so with great hope, I took them out doors in the spring and got another beautiful summer of blooms. Yipee!! I brought my scented geraniums in just the other day, with the hope I can nurture them through the coming winter. I gave them all a good hair cut, and boy does my house smell good!
Your pictures are beautiful...the kind of beauty only God could create.
Yes, the photos are gorgeous! and I also took my geraniums in last year to have them bloom out again this year. I plan to give it another try this winter. We did have 2 nights of frost this week so I may have waited too long but we'll see..they were near the house so perhaps they are ok.
"Katy" is actually me...:) she was signed in...
Your editing made the geraniums even prettier Mrs Mac.
You 've been to a lovely plce to refresh your eyes and soul. Love the photos.
I love geraniums, although in this country they only grow in the highlands of Tagaytay or Baguio. But still, they have a beauty all their own!
The picture you took and enhanced is so beautiful! And so are the others of the river, the falls, and the other Fall pic you posted on the blog entry before this.
Welcome back! I pray that your time away has recharged and refreshed you!
One of the benefits to living in Texas is that we can have flowers much longer than most! Even now, people are buying pansies and Kale to plant in their Winter beds. With the deluge of recent rains my roses have became very prolific, bursting out buds all over the place again! Our low temps are rarely lower than 30 degrees and so a lot of our flowers last through the winter. My coleus however is inevitably going to bite the dust, they aren't as hardy as the others! I have fake geraniums in the guest bathroom, does that count?
I love Geraniums too. Alas, our trees have gotten so huge in the front yard...we have way too much shade! So, now our window boxes get filled with Impatiens...sigh.
They remind me of my Daddy...he always, had huge, red Geranium filled pots along the driveway.
Gorgeous photo's...Wow!
I bring my geraniums in for the winter....one year they were sooo huge and their fragrance filled the room...I only have a small pot this year that I brought inside,so far..so good.
love all the picctures...
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