by: Robert Louis Stevenson
NAKED house, a naked moor,
- A shivering pool before the door,
- A garden bare of flowers and fruit
- And poplars at the garden foot:
- Such is the place that I live in,
- Bleak without and bare within.
- Yet shall your ragged moor receive
- The incomparable pomp of eve,
- And the cold glories of dawn
- Behind your shivering trees be drawn;
- And when the wind from place to place
- Doth the unmoored cloud-galleons chase,
- Your garden gloom and gleam again,
- With leaping sun, with glancing rain.
- Here shall the wizard moon ascend
- The heavens, in the crimson end
- Of day's declining splendour; here
- The army of the stars appear.
- The neighbor hollows dry or wet,
- Spring shall with tender flowers beset;
- And oft the morning muser see
- Larks rising from the broomy lea,
- And every fairy wheel and thread
- Of cobweb dew-bediamonded.
- When daisies go, shall winter time
- Silver the simple grass with rime;
- Autumnal frosts enchant the pool
- And make the cart-ruts beautiful;
- And when snow-bright the moor expands,
- How shall your children clap their hands!
- To make this earth our hermitage,
- A cheerful and a changeful page,
- God's bright and intricate device
- Of days and seasons doth suffice.
- Photo Art: By Mrs. Mac, October 2009
Dear Mrs. Mac,
Your photo art is beautiful, a clean and enhanced landscape talking a language of its own, accompanied by R.L. Stevenson.
Have a blesed weekend.
From Felisol
Whoa...I must have missed something by just going to the scarf Blog...today I recieved a postcard from Peachland...I bet we were there at the same time.....small world....thank you so much ..it is so beautiful there....I try to go there at least onece a years to recharge my "beauty batteries" with my friends who all migrated there once they got fed up with Manitoba winters!!
Nice artwork! and thanks for the postcard. BC is a gorgeous place!
You are a wonderful artist. Combining words and images for beauty and inspiration. I will re-visit this one just for my own comfort and pleasure.
you really should visit my blog today, Mrs. Mac. :0
dear mrs. mac..i was just reading your profile and i noticed about what you said about the walton family and i think that it must of been meant for a compliment.
as i watched you building your new home, it was so exciting and i felt so happy that you were making sure that it was real homey with your many windows and your claw foot bathtub.!
and your pretty but albeit naughty dog!
if there ever was a walton ma...it is surely you!....love terry
ps..when we do finally get to visit your home mrs. mac would you give me your most solemn promise that i will get to use that bathtub before miss patty?
she can always use the shower in the basement, eh?
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