My computer has needed additional RAM for quite some time. It's been slower than molasses .. couple that with a bad part on my satellite dish ... taking me back to the stone ages of the information highway. I'm trying different things ... getting back my laptop on (permanent;) loan to daughter, and using a USB connect device on loan to me from my son-in-law. He fixed the lack of RAM and installed an external backup device. Sometimes I'd like to 'chuck' the PC out the same window that our TV satellite went out ... but I just don't want to be completely isolated and dependent on the public library's computer. I have pictures in my camera to share on my three blogs that perhaps can be uploaded with ease now (keeping fingers crossed)
Today has been rainy. Thank you Lord for the precipitation. It means no work outside today! No watering the garden or mowing the lawn. Last week was a doozy with busyness, company, gardening, running Nathan to/from day camp, home maintenance, etc. I hate to say it since summer is a much anticipated time of the year, but such a time that makes me look forward to the coming autumn and winter months. Each season has something to offer .. and towards the end of summer and winter (especially) I long for a change.
I agee with you on the computer issue. Can't live with it and can't live without it. My laptop has a number that doesn't work...zero. Can you tell I'm using my laptop now?
I can see the changes coming in the flowers and garden, another season isn't to far ahead. Like you say, by the end of one season, I welcome another, except winter. If only it were shorter!
Dear Mrs. Mac,
I like to prolong the summer for at least yet another month, being awake so few hours , there's yet so many things to be done.
Thank you for sharing the story about the wonder rescue of Nathan.
Indeed we should praise the Lord for all his wonders and never forget all his well doings.
He's giving us more than we need, he's giving us in abundance.
From Felisol
I would keep summer for a long time but not forever...I get ready for a change too. sometimes computers can be SUCH a pain!
No wonder you haven't been by to see me!
You express things so well! My pc is slower than molasses too. Maybe it needs more RAM. Son says its 'old'...about 5 or 6 years we've had it now. We liked the rain here too...instead of mowing, my honey and I went on a bowling date..with our WII. Oh, fun!
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