This week I've been in the kitchen making batches of delicious beef jerky. The process is very simple and with my convection oven's drying setting, takes very little time. I usually wait until I can purchase London broil on sale to use. The meat is sliced thin, then marinated 24 hours. From Cabella's I have purchased stackable drying racks for oven use.
Chicken stock is easy to make also. When I purchase twin packs of whole chickens from Costco, I cut up the meat and repackage in smaller portions for the freezer. The chicken backs are saved and frozen separately as well. When there are at least eight backs, they are turned into a delicious stock by simmering with celery, onions, carrots and herbs. The liquid is strained and defatted, then stored either in freezer containers or canned for the pantry shelf.
Photos: chicken stock simmering, beef jerky piled high for brief high heat temp for food safety.
i'm making chicken stock!!
Aren't you a busy bee! Looks so good too. I'm so glad you guys are finding ways to fellowship with other believers..that cafe thing just may work out!
I agree that we need to shout out our blessings...the world is so pervasive in every area. Its up to us to praise Him
You're just way too domestic!
I used to be that way...before I started working. I think I need to quit my job. Why don't you tell the Lord to tell me to quit my job? As soon as I have the "okay" from Him - I'm outta there! I'd much rather be making chicken stock!
word verification: pitedazo
sounds like a new recipe
Must try beef jerky too.
India we make salted beef similar to corned beef.
We marinate beef in rock salt, lime juice, jaggery and another kind of salt i don 't know its english name. The marination process takes 4 or 5 days. After that the meat is boiled with ginger garlic and spices. The salty broth discared and it is pressed to remove any ramaining liquid or moisture. The meat should be complety dry , moisture free.Then it can be stored for 2 weeks atleast.
I'll bet it's good. I can take the store bought too.
I made some beef broth today. I put it in the fridge to see how greasy it is. Will see in the morning.
Thanks for the advice on the picture and the compliment on my 'model dog.'
BTW, I tripped on a curb yesterday and have some boboes today.
So are you making up little gift bags filled with jerkey for us sistas for Christmas?
Don't you just love Cabelas?! We just ordered my winter parka from them for our January trip to Yellowstone! Yippee!
I must order those drying racks right away...they are perfect for making Venison Salami! Have to find Tomer's Cabela's catalog...if he doesn't have one I'm sure Pat's, Hal will!!!
my daughter made some the other night, but she fell to sleep doing so and when I awoke at 4:15 a.m. , there was nothing in the pan but mushy onions and celery....I told her to be thankful I am an early riser....burn the house down !!!good grief!!
Drying setting? I have a 36 in convection oven on my Wolf stove. It does not have a drying setting unless Im missing something. I wanna do this. What do you mean by drying setting?
Mrs. Darling, My Jenn-Aire duel fuel oven has a drying setting. It's used with a low temp (170 for beef jerky) and the door is propped open to allow moisture to escape quickly. Check your owner's manual for your wolf stove ... it may tell you how to dry in your convection oven. Hope this helps.
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