My dear friend Virginia at
gramma_s place has awarded me with the Kreativ Blog Award. She is a talented woman that has blessed my life since meeting her through her daughter Mrs. Darling at
Dishpan Dribble. Gramma is always inspiring me to walk closer with God each time I visit her site. She has given me the simple understanding through her writings to be content in all circumstances. For years I have struggled with feeling guilty for not regularly attending church. But that, my friends, has been laid to rest. Our family has been blessed with a special needs child; a young son with Down syndrome. The task of 'fitting in' at a traditional church is a great challenge to say the least. Knowing Virginia's daily walk with God has inspired me to rethink 'church'. Day by day I've come to accept that I can either raise the white flag of defeat (by not attending a regular weekly service) ... or stand up to defeat and learn to walk moment by moment with God and using every day situations to do the work of the Father. The idea of seeking out people in need and acting upon those needs is my service to God. For that I'm grateful to my blog friend. Now, I'm supposed to tell of six things that make me happy ... and pass on the award to six friends:
- Creation through the awesome power of God.
- My child like faith in the simplistic message of the Cross
- The love of my family and friends
- The privilege of living in the United States of America
- Meeting like minded blog buddies from all parts of the world
- Being a wife, mother, grandmother
I'm passing this award on to:
Pat ... a fellow homemaker that is full of insightful wisdom and sage advice.
Amrita ... a Christian sister from the land of India making progress one day at a time for her country.
Saija ... on the Manitoba Prairie of Canada; she is always full of the Joy of the Lord.
Miss Terry ... a dear sisterly neighbor also living in Canada that has such a giving heart.
Margie ... living her daily walk with God out in the open each day on her blog.
Sara ... a talented writer & psychiatric nurse that has way too much insight for one person.