In 1980 DH and I began our life of married bliss. I brushed up on my homemaking skills every chance I had to impress the man. We were both on the neat freakish side of keeping our little condo sparkling clean. DH, of course, was a little more neat freakish than yours truly. He went as far as having all desk pencils sharpened and facing the same direction :) . He could also walk into any room blindfolded and find exactly what he needed; well, maybe he'd only have to remove his contact lenses or glasses as his vision was about 20/400. Back then he wore contacts to work and would make his own saline soluition from distilled water and salt tablets. One day, after being married for about four months, I saw dh get out a gallon jug of water from the hallway closet. I asked what he needed it for ... that's when he said, " to make contact lens solution" ... that's also when I informed him I had been filling it up at the tap and adding liquid plantfood for sometime. Soon afterwards, I got on the same page with dh and no longer mixed the twain. I told him that someday he would look back at my foible and laugh about the incident. Maybe tonight is a good night to bring up the subject again ... Remember when, Honey .........
Photo: Yours truly and DH Fall of 1981 ... yes, that's a maternity top!
Very Beautiful women you are!
What a good looking couple, and you were beautiful! My hubby was a neat freak...just out of the service...I wish I had married a beach bum *wink* in regards to that...grin.
I've heard of having a "green thumb" but never "green eyes" --unless, of course, you're The Incredible Hulk. (or in your dh's case --the "incredible hunk"!) - very nice photo of a beautiful couple!
Great story, shades of I Love Lucy there! Maybe the part of the wedding vows that says for better or worse are refering to making your own saline solution. :)
Your a great looking couple, and you haven't changed a bit, except that your not pregnant now!
OMGosh! no you didn't!! well, he looks as if he might have forgiven you...maybe...lol
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