As an adult, there's not much that scares the bejeebers out of me. Not so as a small child .. I can recall two fears as though they were upon me yesterday. 1) the fear of riding in my parents car up in the mountain passes, on narrow roads with dropoffs ... sheer panic. 2) a recurring dream about the "boogyman" that would try to capture me ... I was allowed to hide behind the couch or in a closet, but I had this ultra fear of being caught out in the open. Finally the boogyman got me, and he/it turned out to be the Easter Bunny... go figure that one out (but the dreams stopped after that revelation)! As a child I "played" with spiders, and to date have no fear of them. Unlike my youngest daughter that lets out blood curdling screams even from pictures in her biology book (shhh, even in class) ... and my mil is deathly afraid of snakes and lizzards. Nathan, freaks at the sight of any tv show with a hospital scene. Do you have any fears? If so, how do you deal with them?
Well, I don't like mice too much...grin. Mouse traps are a fairly good solution for me...as for most everything else, they never happen anyway...Thank you dear God!!! I used to be horrified of 'thousand leggers' which are common to our area...occasionally one will get in the house. Now, if I see one, I go after it fearlessly with a wad of kleenex. It runs for the corner and huddles there shaking instead of me like it used to be many years ago. Time does good things for us doesn't it?
I'm not really a fearful person and can think of few things that rattle me...with the exception of cave crickets...they live in damp places like cellars or basements and onece we lived in a house where they came up through the drain in the tub at night. They jump backwards to what you think they will go which means they almost always jump right into you....it freaks the daylights out of me...I run, usually yelling...and I got a cat...who delighted in killing them in the middle of the night...haven't seen one in years, thank goodness!
I am still afraid of the easter bunny (but I love his chocolate)! ~ jb///
OH, you just sent a chill down my spine..I remember those mountain passes too, knowing that our fate was hanging on one crumbling piece of rock! I have a fear of being trapped somewhere with no escape...not that it happens often but neither do boggymen turn out to be Easter bunnies! I don't gravitate toward scary things..don't like horror movies or anything else that might cause an embarassing accident that would require a change of underware.
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