Our firstborn daughter hails from Royal Oak Michigan. She was born at William Beaumont Hospital in March, 1985. Her arrival was an easy delivery and we should have gone home the following day ... but a blizzard had dumped snow, closed roads, and even knocked in part of the Silverdome stadium ... so we were kept a day longer. Our precious charge had oooodles of black hair, and dark eyes to match. Daddy was smitten with his daughter. So smitten that on the way home he pulled into the parking lot at Toys R Us and said he'd be right back. Meanwhile, I was freezing in the car wondering what on earth he was doing. Out he comes with package in hand and inside the car he presented his little girl with her very first dolly. Such a cute doll, dressed in a wee Irish outfit, with locks of dark brown hair and dark eyes ... just like our darling. He's watched his little girl grow up before his eyes and turn in to a beautiful young woman ... soon to belong to another ... but always daddy's little girl in his heart.
Forever and always she'll be your little girl.
God bless all of you.
I think that has to be the hardest thing for a father, giving their baby girl away to another.
That is so sweet!!!
Oh that makes me want to cry! Theres nothing quite like a daddy and his little girl.
Be prepared for lots of these crying moments between now and the day after the wedding...daddys and their little girls...sigh...the only time I actually shed tears during my daughter's wedding was when I watched her dancing with her dad....
how sweet!
awwww...bittersweet........ my little girls are growing up before my eyes too. it makes me want to cry to think of giving them away.
Just coming over to see you...=). Hope you've had a good day. I'm so tired and ready for bed. We had some shopping to do tonight and just got back about an hour ago. why is shopping so much fun and yet so exhausting when we finally get home and flop into chairs. could it be all that extra walking? One furniture store seemed like miles of walking.
what a sweet post, they grow up so fast!
Dear Mrs. Mac...
My mother had so many of us kids that she couldn't even remember the details like how much we weighed, what the week day we were born was,etc., and sometimes when we were growing up she couldn't even hit on the proper name when whe was getting after us.
Say it was Teddy that was bad, she would go through the whole eight of us by name, Terry, Gary, Sandra, Grace, Gail, David, Karen and by the time she finally got the right name, "Teddy", she would be so mad that he would get it twice a bad!!
There were nine of us kids. Mom never mentioned Betty in that line up because she was always such a good kid!
I must admit though that THAT little lady never forgets any of our birthdays or any of the 26 grandkids birthdays either or any of the outlaws!.. Ha!!
My dad had a really hard time to give up his firstborn, Betty when she was married.
It was NOT a pretty sight I am telling you, Mrs. Mac!
He didn't seem to mind getting rid of me though!!hee Hee!!... Catch you later!...Love Tery
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