"These happy golden years are passing by, these happy golden years." Laura Ingalls Wilder
Monday, January 30, 2006
The River Runs Dry
Stuck on a narror sand bar ... that sums up my spiritual life for the moment. I yearn for the spring snow melt to bring fresh "water" to rehydrate my spirit. I know my spiritual life is not totally dependent upon being "in" church; but for now, the solitude is what I desire. Burnout takes its toll on one .. too much involvement can lead to "no" involvement. There's a change in the weather of my life ... moving to a new location ... waiting to get settled again ... saying goodby to friends and a way of life for 19 years. What lies ahead is uncharted water. New schools for the two youngest, new climate, being apart from hubby more as he finishes up his last year before retirement. I will depend on God, trusting in Him to calm me down. Change can be exciting and scary at the same time.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Family "Quest"

Over the past month or so, I have been on a quest to locate some of my long lost cousins. All of which I have not seen in over 25 years ... With just a clue to the whereabouts of one, I have located three, learned of the death of another ... found an aunt .... and have many childhood memories coming to the surface of my mind. Pleasant childhood gatherings at lakes and family homes. Distant ... but still there nonetheless. My family is small ... mom is a only child ... and dad is the youngest of three boys (his brothers long gone now). So to locate my family, even after so many years, is a great find.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Special Needs Child Aboard ... Patience Required

As the sahm of a little boy with Down syndrome patience is the order of the day. What self help chores many parents take for granted that their child can perform are never fully realized nor performed in somewhat of a timely manner by my child, thus leaving me helping more than I should. At day's end, I'm exhausted, but satisfied knowing he's all tucked in bed, teeth brushed, prayers said, book read, etc. Yesterday, said child (Nathan) got his own cup of water with ice from the refrigerator. Today, as I was having a bubble bath this morning, he brought me a bottle of salsa and indicated that he'd like some on a dish of pasta (FOR BREAKFAST). Yes, he's gotten pretty creative when the pantry is locked and he has only the fridge to raid. This afternoon, he brought up a carton of eggs ... up the stairs ... yes, over my white carpet. Not one was broken. Do you think he's going through a growth spurt. I sure hope so!
(photo from spring 2004 - California poppy fields)
Monday, January 16, 2006
Testing The Waters
Sunshine On My Shoulder ...

In the months ahead, as we make the move to the Inland North West from SUNNY California, I must cherish the fact that we have 300 days a year of sunshine. We also have blistering hot days during the summer months, and fairly cold nights here in the high desert. Our family will adjust, just as we did to the summer heat 19 years ago! Having lived in various parts of the country, I do tend to favor the four seasons ... the getting past winter ... longing for the spring part especially.
Today being a holiday (MLK Day), I will enjoy time spent with my children at home. Hubby has to work today ... part of being in law enforcement ... crime never takes a break!
photo "big bro & "me", circa 1960
Saturday, January 14, 2006
New Year ... New Blog

OK ... I'm going to try this again. I gave up my last blog a few months ago. Off to a new start!
The best part about a new year is having a blank calendar and mapping out the days, weeks, months ... one by one. A calendar not set in "stone" but one that can be erased and written over again if changes are needed, hopefully as God leads.
Since putting our home up for sale last October, and not having it sold to date, the days seem to drag by at times. Tomorrow our broker is having another open house. We must find a place to retreat while this is going on. Cleaning, cleaning ... I'm tired of always having the house cleaned. Not that I don't like a clean house, but the tediousness of having everything picked up is wearing on us all ... tired but thankful that we're all healthy and have a warm home, bed, clothes, and food on the table.
We've been fussing with house plans and rearranging walls and garage door openings until I'm a bit nutso! In two weeks we have plans to fly up to Northern Idaho to meet with our new home builder and visit some family in Spokane.
With the prospect of semi-retiring, my dh is becoming quite domestic. In the twenty-five years we've been married, he's helped more around the house the past few months and taken care of our youngest without having to be asked that I'm not as worried about having him home full to part time (hee, hee). At 54 years of age, he still has some good years left!
photo circa 1982 Me, DH, & Patrick
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