Take a tip from our Canadian friends, they too celebrate Thanksgiving, albeit a month earlier than in the U.S.A. I had the opportunity to celebrate Thanksgiving in Canada last month. I must say, they are way more relaxed about the holiday than the lower 48 states. To grocery shop the day before was a breeze .. no different than any other day. No long lines, shortages of cranberries, road rage in the car lot over a parking space. A simple meal of ham, veggies, potatoes, cranberry sauce made for a tasty meal. I think we Americans over emphasize the non significant ... and ignore the significant reason for most celebrations. This year in keeping with my new found 'freedom' from slaving away in the kitchen, I'm going to simplify my Thanksgiving menu. We still will have turkey, mashed potatoes/gravy, sweet potatoes, one green veggie, and cranberry sauce. Gone will be bread stuffing, salad, rolls, three desserts, and tons of munchies before dinner. Keep it simple sweetheart is my hubby's motto. Pumpkin pie is being provided by Elizabeth, mashed potatoes are being prepared by Ann. And EVERYONE will help clean up the kitchen ... or no listening to the football game on the radio ;) (yes, radio ... we have no TV service) (yes, on purpose;)
How cool is that? I think you are great catching the essence, and avoiding the waste.
Essence in my view, being the gathering of the family.
No TV is only a thing to dream of. I think of all the valuable time one might spend on important things instead of getting pre-chewed thoughts and old films to watch.
You are quite a role model, Mrs. Mac.
I like that.
From felisol
I very much agree. We seem to over do everything. Is it an American thing to be drawn to excess, I wonder? Even if it is, we can make individual choices to the contrary. That's the path I've been drawn too as I seek ways to scale back and live more simply.
After my own heart, Mrs. Mac.
Enjoy all that delicious food. Happy thanksgiving
I agree...my girls are bring some side dishes and cheesecake. Makes my job way easy! Baking my pies today. Everything is under control!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Cathy!
That should be bringing not bring...I need to proofread!
sounds like a great plan!! I am simplifying my eating so that I don't over-enduldge
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours...sounds like a wonderful day you have planned!
I think I heard snow in our forcast....could that be? LOL!
Have a blessed holiday, sis!
Blessings to you and your family...
hugs and love
Happy Thanksivingn to an amazing lady and her family!
I'm waaaaay behind on my blog reading and just saw this post. I agree. Our Thanksgiving dinners have gotten simpler to the point where I realized that this year I could have done most of it in my sleep. I used to stress so much over them! It's still a great meal, everybody's happy and there are plenty of leftovers (everyone's favorite part), but I don't want to collapse with exhaustion about an hour before we eat, like I used to.
It helps to have a tiny oven. I HAVE to do things ahead of time or they don't get done. The turkey takes up the entire oven. I also have a very helpful husband who always does the carving and boning of the bird for me and that's a huge help.
We had a lovely Thanksgiving and hope yours was lovely, too.
WV = exper. ummm, I can't think of anything funny to post about this.
Sounds like you had a great plan and a great Thanksgiving. I know what you mean about slaving in the kitchen! Every year I look forward to watching the parade...then spend the time in the kitchen. this year's parade was a disappointment though...too many entertainers I thought.
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